
The idea is that Clinton has become a political rock star, but I also saw this as a dramatization of how people think women are preordained to act around Clinton.

My thoughts exactly. It’s legal in the Netherlands - but it still comes with stigma, desperation, exploitation and trafficking. I absolutely don’t think sex workers should be criminalized, but your last statement is full bingo - legality does not necessarily bring safety, proper regulation, happiness or respect to the

I think older women are probably more aware of it, since what they have faced (and still do- people are particularly unkind to women about aging) is more obviously misogynist than what most young women have seen yet. Women my age obviously know about and see sexism every day, but we haven’t hit that wall yet where we

At this point I’m pretty sure you’re not actually even trying to understand my point, so I’ll just leave this here. You said you know sexism is everywhere, and plays a part in everything. So I don’t know why you’re refusing to consider that young women, who are subtly told by society that we’re weak and silly and

Well that’s great. But this is what I’ve seen from being a young woman who is around other young women (most of us in academia) a lot of the time. We have to think about all kinds of ways we might be perceived based on what we wear or how we speak. It’s something you have to do for people with authority over you, and

Just looking at the sleeping positions in that top photo...

Needs more stars.

Metric is so good.

I’m not going to give it. Mad Max: Fury Road isn’t your cup of tea? Fair enough: I thought The Revenant was pretentious, boring racist macho bullshit and I’d only have given DiCaprio and Iñárritu Oscars if they promised to stop the whiny humble-bragging about how “tough” the shoot was.

Now playing

Seriously, people who talk about Goldman like everyone who works there and everything they do MUST be nefarious - like, google 10,000 women. You want to see a Clinton speech to Goldman, here you go:

Not only does Gawker Media have an obvious Sanders bias, but the pro-Sanders bunch who comment are almost as rabid as a Trump supporter.

Bernie Sanders Makes Another Sweeping Proclamation With No Plan

If you want to know how effective a legislator someone is, you look at the Congressional Record, to see what bill(s) they have managed to get passed. And you look at those bills. Bernie Sanders has had 6 bills passed. Several of those were bills to rename post offices in Vermont, his home state. Bernie has sponsored

No fair. I have to beg my husband to let me pop his zits and blackheads for him. I only get access like once a fiscal quarter.

Did all the answers saying Angelina Jolie get blocked or something? Because. Damn.

Jennifer Connelly especially in her early career when her face was softer

“Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an inferior race. A curse was placed upon him and that curse has been continued through his lineage and must do so while time endures.” Oh what is that? Directly from the mouth of Joseph smith

Yup, Oxford made me less willing to identify as a feminist (and I was so excited when I started at uni) because all of the self-described feminists I met were judgemental cunts who spent their entire time condescending to people, accusing them of deliberate malevolence and then refusing to explain asserting that it