
When moving to Houston.

I think the only thing worse than wearing cargo shorts is the insistence that you actually use the dozen extra pockets they provide. What fucking urban explorer are you that you need pouches to traverse your daily life? I’ve never found myself in Target (where 95% of all cargo shorts in America are purchased) and

Everybody can go fuck themselves.

Guess what other sport I don’t give a shit about?

“Dude is just an employee.”

Aww whats wrong pussy, can’t handle anothers opinion? Typical leftist piece of shit.

Stereotype black people? You’re rascist. Stereotype gay people? You’re a homophobe. But stereotyping based on income is A-OK?

Why, exactly, would you like him any less after those comments? I really want to see you actually write the words justifying your comment.

That dirty SOB WORKING all his life to become rich and being old enough to witness Socialist countries collapsing!! Who does he think he is commenting how great it is to work your way to success instead of keeping an individuals ceiling their floor.

Because all rich people are assholes, right?

I use an AR-15 when hunting Coyotes and feral pigs. Due to the light weight and semi auto action allowing for quick follow up shots or shooting a multiple animals. And I own and carry pistols and fairly large folding blade knifes frequently.

No, I'm pretty sure if I were camping in an area where it would warrant such a thing, I'd be packing a pistol in the least.

Yea. The writing here has really gone down the shitter. Sorry to say it. I used to love this site. Not sure why I even check at all anymore. Maybe, I'm just hoping things get better one day.

So it should be illegal then right? Right?

Yea... Daggers ARE weapons. It's like asking "What's the point of an airplane designed to fly faster"?

Self defense? Just like every other weapon?

I was wondering the same thing. Why would people want weak-ass weapons?

So, you stand by the door 24/7 ?

The question I have, is why would you own a dagger that is not designed to kill something?

@cmdrfire: Much easier to read a headline and then post a comment than read the whole post. Who reads anymore anyway, that's pre-9/11 stuff.