
Did you have a billion dollars? NO? STFU then. Madonna is a greedy sociopath and a heartless asshole

Gizmodo seems to be the whitest Gawker Media site and the one with the most racist commenters

More WHITE opinions

"I HAVE A BLACK FRIEND SO I AM NOT RACIST" <— the shit that just came out of your mouth

Jesus batmanfucking christ, white opinions everywhere. Why the fuck do you have a problem with representation? Why does white have to be the default when white people make up a small minority of the world population?

They also are racist, will refuse black people rides, do not drive handicapped people, are predatory, rapey, violent, unsafe and illegal

Uber and Lyft do not go to certain areas of DC. These companies are racist as fuck

You don't have to use an apple mouse. Right click works with mice with two buttons or on trackpads

Iggy is a racist and homophobic piece of shit. Fuck your white supremacist bullshit

I'd plave 6:1 odds oh Artisitic being white or a nonwhite who just wants to make her white conservative friends like her

You also claim to be polish, german, jewish and black and could not have more than 10% native blood in you. Stop being a fake fuck

Do you watch fox news? You seem like you could be one of them racist woman hating token minority female space filler that they have on often

I am half native and half black. Keep the race traitor train going, please some more white people and make yourself look like "not one of them nonwhites"

You = Black person who says nigger isnt offensive. Fuck off you race traitor

what the fuck is happening with his nose

Racism and classism. Just stop Flowbee. Fucking stop.

Anyone that doesn't vote for Atlanta's is an idiot