
First and foremost, let us clarify that a Relationship does not equivocate to Age of Consent. Regardless, the Age of consent in some North American states is 16, and while culturally hard to grasp, as low as 13 overseas.

So, more bullshit about how acronyms don’t work the way they actually work? Dumb. Kia is a car, K.I.A. means you were “Killed In Action”. They are not interchangeable. People need to fuck off and learn how English works.

Throw Alexa in the trash and learn what fucking wine to pair with.

People need to grow some thicker fucking skin.

Jesus Christ, stop comparing games to other games.

I disagree with this. I’ve played Tactis and FF12 and you are dead wrong.

I agree with this, but let me add that ‘expandable by’ does not mean ‘created by’ the players. The world must have a solid framework or everything feels made-up on the spot. Narrative needs something to hang from. Adaptability for the unexpected, and reliance on the existing world when there is no direction make for

I’ve run ALOT of tabletops in my years and IMHO Matt Mercer is uninteresting and not a very good DM. I dislike every video of his I have ever seen. He may be charismatic and likable, but he fails to progress the story, and also fails to extract a role-playing spirit from the guests in the sessions he hosts by

I’m literally done with Pokemon if this is integrating Pokemon GO shit.

Of course! I should also be allowed to take bites out of the apples, open boxes of wheat thins and eat just one, pop a few pills to see if they work, and stick thermometers in my mouth to make sure they read correctly.

A river runs through it.

Kids shouldn’t be on Facebook.

I feel your article lacking. Here is some additional information.

4 of which are garbage.

4 of which are garbage.

This whole article is dumb as shit. Quit posting YOUR political bias.

Try walking up to someone in real life and saying that. I grant you 9/10 sentences started like someone on the internet writes would result in a fist to the face.

Stop telling people to look at shit. Half of your articles begin this way. Look at this, look at that, look at me...you sound like a toddler.

Stop beginning posts with ‘look at’ like some fucking command.