
Are we not even going to talk about the stereotype that males have to deal with here? People assume anyone who isn’t a fat, balding, stinking, 30-year old with a beard and fedora, not a Magic player. Women are excluded by default under that globally used assumption. The whole “nerd” and “geek” culture is a toxic label

Mental Health would eliminate the need for Gun Control. One thing.

Only an asshole could make light of something like this. You should be ashamed of yourself. Dick.

North American success = call of duty clone

I was disappointed someone commented on it. -__-

I hate how people don't like items. They aren't unfair, in fact, it takes MORE skill to be able to use them. Actual fights aren't going to be restricted to an 'honor' system, no, it'll be more like Jackie Chan grabbing a mop and fighting you with it. It's fun! People who don't like items in Smash are egotistical,

One success does not a believer make.

I would highly recommend against this method as it is more time-consuming than just learning how to properly proofread or use proofreading tools. Text to speech is also highly lacking in contextual enunciation. It sounds terrible enough to actual still miss things.

They give you Audio options as well as Graphics options to prevent this. You wouldn't have an issue hearing if you adjusted these the same way people adjust graphic settings, and having a GOOD set of headphones helps too. Most "gaming" headsets nowadays are bloated piss-poor excuses for audio differentiation. I have

As a software designer, you're full of shit.

This is exactly why Mario Kart is broken.

Physical guides and walkthroughs are disgusting. We live in a digital age where you can find better information on the net, so why tie yourself down to some crap-ass company's opinion of how to play a game. Manuals are designed to provide essential information for how to play a game, not how to complete it. If you

This has to be the dumbest article I have read on the internet to date.