
Entirely true, but it also makes it hard to say who "deserves" what. Movie roles aren't all equal in importance, screen time, or "star power"—there's no equal work for there to be equal pay even *before* you get into pay negotiation questions. "Asking to be paid what you were owed" doesn't work to me when you agree to

I missed the Hobbit movies in theaters and ended up just deciding to watch one of the "cut all the movies into one 3-hour film" fan edits that exists on the internet. It worked as a film for me, although without having slogged through the original films I'm not sure if the impact of the tighter editing and excising of

The raptor nest thing has never made any sense to me, and I had forgotten until this article that they know about the coming bombing at this point but still go for it.

This article definitely hits on my major thesis with Jurassic Park—that it's an example of a far better movie than the book that inspired it (and it's not surprising that with how poor The Lost World was, the movie was really no good either.)