
That's gonna scare the bejesus out of window washers

Sounds like more cannon fodder for the tornadoes to throw around. Also, the EPA and environmentalists would have a field day with this.

If I weighed (hypothetically of course! lol) 200lbs, how many Coke Zeroes or Diet Cokes could I drink in a day?

Heeeelllloooooooo thhheeeeerrrreeeeee Miiiiiiiistttteeeeerrrr Whhhaaaaaalllllleeee! -Dory

It's as if they are missing something they need to live...

Let me know when there is a Roku and/or Android version.

In before the insane GMO flame wars...

or 30 minutes for those of us who don't smoke. I made that mistake this past season. Got a great sized buck and was too excited and rushed down. It got up and ran away never to be seen again :(

It probably collapsed from a heart attack shortly thereafter. Those buggers can go a long way with an injury!

So that's why the Navy wears brown pants...

These pics are astronomy lickin good

In Russia, the Olympics celebrate you


I almost took a job with the IRS to work with the team that was rewriting the Gold Disk program that the government uses to secure servers. I am SO glad that I didn't! They even told me in the interview that it was a 'dead end' job!

I found this article electrifying

I'm shocked!

It's pretty cool to see just how common everyday infrastructures are across the globe. Asia has some odd twists sometimes, but overall everything is mostly the same.

Sounds like magnified cancer to me

None of your bees wax