
You said it was a conservative Republican show that takes the position that everything sucks. I gave ample evidence that at least for this episode, that wasn’t true. You’ve done nothing to refute the obvious plot elements that prove you wrong.

You didn't have to say rather you just think that's a smart word. You're sooooooo smart

You are a loser

I read it perfectly. And what in the world makes you think I’m offended? Pointing out how someone is completely wrong about a TV show isn’t offended.

They depicted their Trump figure literally murdering someone to prevent a vaccine or cure from being found. They played the mask deniers as idiots. The police were morons who shot a black kid and blamed covid. Yeah, sounds like Republican talking points to me.

I dunno, are you sure? My shuffleboard league thought it was hilarious and they say I'm the coolest. 

A nice touch I don’t think anyone commented on, the card at the beginning was changed for this episode to

You’re still shit-talking a show you haven’t actually watched and are intentionally trying to provoke people. Why do you think it’s unreasonable to call you out on it? Because you read a wikipedia summary of all things?

If only they could have held off for one more week given what happened a mere 24 hours after it aired. It would have been an ending too perfect for writers.

I think people (on, yes, both sides) just assume Trey/Matt are way more political than they actually are. I really don’t think Trey/Matt view everything, or even much at all, through the lens of politics. They are such quintessential Gen Xers who just kind of like making fun of everything. I think people think that

Oh, we get the joke. We just know that if you had logged in to find that if everyone had actually ignored your self-important posts, you’d kill yourself immediately. And though you are truly one of the douchier posters around, we don’t wish death upon you. It’s too fun to read your posts and envisioning how proud you

Don’t bother arguing with this moron. He hasn’t once mentioned ‘Libertarianism’ when that’s exactly what South Park is and the creators have spoken about it publicly. I didn’t give him the argument he was looking for because it took two comments to realize how dumb this person is.

I’ve caught maybe 20-30 full episodes of this show in my life, and a few clips here and there. I wouldn’t consider myself a particularly big fan, but the review of this special (haven’t seen it) doesn’t sound at all like what you’re describing. 

Fucks sake, can we be done with Tegridy storylines already?

It was specifically Wendy’s mom, I think.

I think it’s probably the combination of the DNA and the weed. Otherwise she would have gotten a mustache long ago.

There’s nothing quite like a good episode of South Park to bring an AV Club Discussion back to it very best.
And looking at the comments below this was very good episode. 

gotta say I was worried about this episode, but really glad they didn’t go the QAnon route.

By far, my favorite quote of the episode was Stephen Stotch saying “Yeah, we care way more about what’s right then you do, bitch!” before punching a woman directly in the face. Classic.

Chin diaper just entered into my daily lexicon and will be used FREQUENTLY.