That tattoo on the back of his leg had me fooled for a moment. I thought that the guy had a prosthetic.
That tattoo on the back of his leg had me fooled for a moment. I thought that the guy had a prosthetic.
Needs more lessons.
Tan/brown + Plaid = Win
They’re tuned like a shopping cart from the factory. There’s nothing sporty about them, they just have oversized wheels and harsh suspension. They are sport-looking for people who don’t know what a fun car is. I have never been so disappointed by a test drive.
Hey, if it weren’t for porn, the internet wouldn’t be what it is today. would be just a boring, text-bast server board. We’d still be using a 300 bit per second modem to SLOWLY download your text based comments and raise hell if you caused the data transfer to lag while we downloaded a bitmap image of…
LOL.... you said traffic sucks. Looks like the chic in the video does as well!
Batman with a whip would be El Zorro.
That’s “Oh doe! The puns, they’re buck!”
It looks like he fought...
OK, this thing is pretty nuts and I like that, but my first question is how do you get out of it if it rolls?
Yes absolutely so real
Killing people is good for the environment.
I bet the guy who sent you that report is a fungi to be around....
Lincoln made a Cosmopolitan back in 1949. Now this excites me.
This is all a smokescreen to hide Apple’s true target: Elio.
Vomit level: Metal Slug 3
My mom did this to me. She didn’t like my taste in first cars, so she had my step-dad help me find a shitty example of a car I wanted, just to teach me a lesson that “first cars aren’t supposed to be fun,” or something. (keep in mind I still paid for it with my own money, but she knew I would trust my step-dad’s…
When you’re mom’s all like “I don’t want you buying a motorcycle Timmy, they’re not safe” and you buy one anyways, so she runs you over just to prove a point.
Actually too bad he didn’t have a gun to hold up that asshole biker until police arrived. Guns are great dissuasive devices, they don’t even need to be fired to be useful.