
Of course I don’t know of every aspect of your legal system and in what circumstances your Country could use it’s nuclear weapons and who could do it. If a President starts do to what you said to get the damn nukes airborne just for the sake of it, what would prevent anyone from arresting him or shooting him dead


Awww “Everyone I hate is Hitler!” “Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll!”.

And I’m disappointed with you. I had to learn English by myself to type that to you, while all you had done was quote Wikipedia to me. Boo, booooo!

Trump will never nuke anyone.

No - no. The answer is to do that if they threaten you, like I said. Why would you allow NK to keep testing their nukes which have your names written on them and not threaten to retaliate should they ever be fired for real? What about Hillary, what if she’s the President and has to face the choice of nuking someone

Tacky and cliché use of Reductio ad Hitlerum and Godwin’s Law. I found it flattering you thought I’m American though, my English must be pretty good then!! I’m not American, and I’m totally sure I’d be welcome by President Trump to go there and lawfully get my American Citizenship, hehe. I loved how you formatted your

If you only read sites/newspapers that come up with this kind of fear mongering bullshit, you’d fear and hate Trump. I did not like him at first because of the bad stuff people make up about him, but then I started to read more about him and Hillary, exactly because one of them might control the deadliest arsenal ever

y u hatin on matt demon he wants to ban guns too just like u

South Korean.

Good luck, good bye, razor up and hammer down!

I’m glad Shmee got a GT letter from Hogwarts Ford, he always show every aspect of the cars he owns.

Umm, thanks for clarifying, I guess...?

Oh noes... I saw a blue Ultima GTR get stoned by leftist protesters in my town once. :/

This sucks! I wish them a speedy recovery and that those affected suffer no lingering effects of this.

Trump is going to be your new President and I’ll laugh <3

Oh noes, I’ve replied to the wrong person, I’m sorry.

Hmmm maybe in the 355 or the 348? That’s an actual great idea mwahaha

Of course, if I had the money I’d do that just for the hell of it!!! And then the left over engine of the GT I’d shove into a 2010 Camaro, along with enough modifications to make it driveable without killing myself. Once again, just for the fuck of it :>

Maybe it’s a plan to fit a SpaceX shuttle with a nuclear warhead and detonate it on the outer layers of the atmosphere over Germany to cripple their auto manufacturers...