For the exhaust note

I think I got them twice, but I’ve been on a mcdonald’s kick this year. It’s been a comfort food after going years not eating much fast food.

Appreciate the answer!

Thanks a lot!

Thank you!

Steve Trevor was the worst part of the first one, super glad they brought him back. As we all know, a woman is nothing if there isn’t a man present in her life.

Hello, idiot here, how do the pronouns he/they work together? Thanks in advance!

Disrespectful to Michael Jackson

I LOVE AOC! She’s smart and ballsy and great I hope she’s the future of American politics.

Just as I was forgetting how ugly the chevy truck actually is I see this photo and am reminded. Thanks?

This is true in most cases, but not true if your badge is a scorpion. These are just facts

The new commercial where the man buys the lady a dog and the lady buys him a truck, who is holding the dog out in the cold until he decided to whistle? Who is driving the truck quietly stalking this couple until she decides to whistle? How did they hear the whistle from inside the truck with the windows up? How did

Welp this is yet another reason why I don’t click on ny post links in my Google news feed. Absolutely fucking disgusting, it will be great when we can stop treating women who embrace/take control of their own sexuality as criminals. Unfortunately as a 36 year old I am not sure I'll be alive for that.

As a Nebraskan I wish I could like Sasse, he says all the correct things but dude is all talk and his action is just same ole same ole. Glad to hear the supreme Court threw this out,but now we have the texas gop talking about succession so that sounds... Cool?

Brands shouldn’t have your loyalty, make them earn it over and over again, they can afford it more than you.

Fiat 500 Abarth ... Duh

I bet Dianne Feinstein calls it a mother's room

I don't own this game, I have questions. How large is the range on the size selector? Size is chosen as flaccid and not tumescent, correct? Are they all just straight tubes of meat? I need to know how realistic this stuff is. Thanks

Ruler would suck if you were under 10cm, really is just a trash ruler, I wouldn't buy it and I'm the guy who bought a novelty ruler that says it's 12 inches but is actually 9 inches

My whole romantic life is me worrying about a woman with a ruler

Maybe asking for a boat is code for an unsolicited D pic. Though I've never been a woman online I hear those are quite prevalent