For the exhaust note

I gotta defend my boy Joel for a second, my read of the situation was these guys have one person that's immune to the zombies and the FIRST thing they think to do is cut out her brain. That's just bad research and doctoring, plus how much can you trust this 'doctor' he's gonna kill a teenager without even asking if


I came out of this article with the burning question “Was Aimee trying to drink delicious unsweet tea or gross sweet tea?” If sweet, well that’s your problem right there, I drink unsweet with dinner and it is often one of the most exciting things for me.

I truly only clicked this story to say I severely dislike Peanuts the cartoon, am I in a mood? Yes

Quite a decent amount above average actually (make whatever assumptions you must by the fact I have this saved on my phone)

As a Nebraskan, I am not offended by your plate, so if that was your intent fail, but I thoroughly like it and would like Nebraska to adopt it.

I love my PS4 but I was so disappointed with GT Sport it might be the only time I've beem regretful of a preorder I made.

I came to this story mostly just so I can apologize for this all talk no action jerk face, when you look at all the 'people' in positions of power in this state i don't know how any correct thinking person can't see how much trouble we could be in. But nebraskans have to vote R cuz their parents did!

This is a shit move on twitch’s part like many things from twitch lately (do you sense the but?) But I hit affiliate on twitch basically by accident it's not an extremely difficult thing to do in practice.

As a male who enjoys riding a bicycle you've almost talked me into this, but what I really want is to not sit on my berries when I'm riding.

StumpTown was a show that I think should have been better and probably would have been if given more time. Still a much more enjoyable show than most network shows even with that

Not really, it's an adequate network show but I can't help but feel like the show should be more than it is

Just off the top of my head, they had a couple that were hunters (males) and if we can count monsters there were a hand full that were bi. Also two lesbian teenagers in lebanon kansas.

You know what that puppy needs? A cat best friend, time to get a two for one deal this weekend!

I'm generally against cancel culture, but can we just cancel this industry already?

Objectively the best answer is the Abarth 500 cabriolet,again objectively and completely unbiased!

Okay so your head is the joystick now I get what you were describing. Humans are so weird, I couldn't imagine inverted feeling natural and I imagine you're the opposite, crazy!

If you go to Costco you can get a sandwich and a drink for $1.50 and you don't need to pay thousands to get in then have to watch golf for hours.

I'm trying to understand inverted controls, I'll explain my previous post. When a person looks down the back of their head goes up but the front of their head goes down, if a person is looking up the back of their head down but the front goes up. 

Okay but, HOW IS NBA 2K21 OVER 100 GBs? I mean wtf...