
snell's not a PG, but thanks for playing.

Dude, what happened between Noah and your mother is between Noah and your mother. Don't take it out on him.

Psycho T.

of all the things to complain about in a center, "is a mediocre jump shooter" has got the be the stupidest. How many centers even have a jump shot?

David Lee is also an atrocious defender who has only been to the playoffs once. There's no NBA GM who takes Lee over Noah, guaranteed.

Oh, I'd just assumed they existed and I couldn't see them from the nosebleeds

They didn't appear all at the same time. They all have been out there for a long time. That Russian buzzfeed website just put them all together in one group for the Sochi Olympics, but it had nothing to do with Putin or the actual photoshoots. None of the athletes took those photos for the Olympics.

Fair enough. As a guy sitting in the cheap seats, I wouldn't be able to tell.

They were never collected and released as an advertising package for the Olympics by the Russian Olympic team.

only it wasn't done by a government entity. Click through the Bust link to the source, the adme.ru website, run it through google translate, and it'll become pretty clear that the source is actually just a Russian version of some bro website like theChive, and it sourced all of these photos from various photoshoots

Incorrect. Click through the Bust link to the adme.ru page, run it through google translate, and it's clear that this link is a Russian equivalent of theChive/BroBible or something—-each woman's photo is followed by her sport, name, and a link to the source of the photo.

There's a lot more visibility since the stadiums are smaller and people closer to the court—-I barely notice the cheerleaders at Soldier Field, but the Bulls cheerleaders are relatively obvious. Skills wise I don't think there's a huge difference though.

it's kind of incredible how basically everyone here is just blatantly ignoring THE EXACT SAME THING in our own media.

It's a good thing we here in the US never sexualize our female athletes. Take that, Russia!

it's because Kate Bosworth is merely a frame on which they can hang clothes on. a cover with Kate Bosworth is there to showcase the clothes, not to showcase Kate Bosworth.

You're absolutely correct, it's not an aberration of our justice system to not sentence relatives of famous people for criminal offenses.

Lebron might have to adjust to the fact that he'll get the shit hacked out of him and fouls won't be called.