The nightmare revealer of madness unknown,
Of fetuses cooked for the Satanists' feast,
Old witches look on as a…
The nightmare revealer of madness unknown,
Of fetuses cooked for the Satanists' feast,
Old witches look on as a…
I honestly try to keep an open mind, but the things going on, on the "Right" are simply insane. I'm going to vote for whomever I feel will do the best job, but these nutso people they keep putting in power that denounce science, medical rights, and push 5,000 year old Earth and want the law to reflect their…
confirmation bias is a very powerful thing.
I can't help but blame the fact that we have increasingly single-minded exposure to the world thanks to dedicated politically slanted news channels and other media.
umm...You think people smoke ecigs to look cool and edgy? What world do you live in?
Doesn't every team need a batboy?
I haven't smoked a cigarette in years, but if the FDA comes down on e-cigs hard enough and make it enough of a pain in the ass I'll just go back to the pack a day habit. ~shrugs~
1. Gawker has changed that—everyone's paid. It'd be nice if the NCAA would change too.
If you're performing a job you actually enjoy, there's satisfaction in going to work every day and getting things done.
I would argue that the system has been more than maintained and serves primarily not as an inter-city/state system, but instead, a local commuter system. A gas tax disincentives excessive driving (slightly), and encourages other resources that don't have that tax base.
You don't get it do you? Sure in an a large economic area where choices abound, your invisible hand bull shit might work. But what about a small town? The private ambulance doesn't have to help you, your pharmacist doesn't have to help you, your auto mechanic tells you to fuck off, etc. this is what libertarians don't…
Proof of one time this has ever happened, please. Because there are plenty of examples of gay people actually being turned away when they actually tried to buy something.
If you believe the law was intended to protect Hindu photographers then you are an idiot.
Fuck Arizona, and fuck you if you support this.
This is pretty much the same expression I'd have on if someone stuck me in an outfit like that.
Xenophobic? No. That's dedicated to all the dumbasses who put their health in the hands of non-scientific stupidity, regardless of their country, race, and religion. violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?
I understand these guys may come across as decent fellows, and I have plenty of friends/family/colleagues/acquaintances in my life (and social media feed) who prescribe to the same ethos. Their political beliefs fall right in line with some of the most virulently racist conservatives out there, so I'm wary of letting…
Dollar coins! Two dollar coins! We should make/use them everywhere!
This was hard to read (literally, hard to understand what the author was trying to say), but I appreciate the overall sentiment. It's always been very interesting how much more complicated early women's rights movements really were - their relationship to race issues, reproductive rights, etc. To quibble with a…