“You Don’t Need to be White to be White Trash”
And as usual ~ alternative fact: The tie is way too short and the belly is way too flat. Lord I haven’t seen a popular image portrayed this falsely since, well since The Lord Jesus.
Pffft, that’s a fact. We’re onto alt facts now...
Portrait of a Dipshit
He’s such a fucking “I’m one of the good ones” cliche. Can’t say enough bad stuff about the black guy and can’t wear enough t-shirts and hats to show he loves the white guy. Jesus, guy, we get it.
“Since we got rid of him” = “since he stepped down after serving the maximum-allowed two terms in office”.
Horatio Sanz, no!
Thanks for the blow by “Blow.” Seriously that was perfect and it’s the kind of “not having your bullshit anymore” attitude that we need now. These Trumpers have been getting away with dogwhistles, foghorns and all sorts of thinly veiled and not-so veiled BS all in the name of “fairness.” Hopefully they let Blow start…
Don’t know why you had to just out everyone on the other sites like that.
Sometimes, they’re not even fat. Basically, any white guy who doesn’t get “pussy on the reg” needs to be under surveillance 24/7. Those entitled motherfuckers are just waiting to snap- because actually doing something different with their life is hard.
After reading this pitch-perfect post and the pitch-perfect comments, I would say that my work is done. Meaning. . . I don’t have to do shit because everything written here is perfect! I am surrounded by analytically sharp motherfuckers and it makes me smile!
Fat white guys that can’t get laid are the real problem.
He had to borrow money from his grandparents to buy a gun from an FBI agent...I’d say he’s pretty mentally-impaired.
The rubble in Atlanta is still smoldering, and the bodies are still being identified in Bowling Green, but somehow the FBI has enough free time to entrap such a young man with a promising future for a little youthful mischief?
Wait hang on, do we know if he’s actually mentally-impaired or if he’s just a Muslim?
White people don’t commit terrorism. They have undiagnosed mental illnesses that force them (against their better nature) to commit acts that look just like terrorism. It’s a shame that the system has let these otherwise good young boys fall through the cracks. We, as a society, have to do more to help young white men…
This is the guy Trump thinks our Countering Violent Extremism task force doesn’t need to worry about.