
If you are more worried about my hair than my mind than yes I have a problem with it. I get it. I support “naturalistas” but what I won’t do is let someone assume what my politics are and it excludes black women with 1C and 2C hair from the conversation.

Don’t judge, read the brief.

I get my hair relaxed and nothing like this has happened to me ever this is a clear case of a dangerous product and there is plenty of evidence. You should read the actual legal brief.

“Thanks for trying to play the victim card though, but that’s not how that works.”

I feel bad for Kim after the robbery I thought it would be good for them to go somewhere and not be the gravy train, but money...

They were dating long before 2012 see Amber Rose, per Amber Kim had an overlapping relationship with Kanye while she was his “girlfriend” that was 2008 - 2010 right after his mother died when most people agree when his downward spiral started. Hence why Amber and Kim had “drama”. His friends weren’t fans of Amber

I agree because I have a family member who has a mental illness. I’m just amazed that folks are on Jez sometimes are so unaware of communities outside of Jez or not looking at the article and seeing that all of the sources were from the Kardashian side and presented her POV and leaped to the conclusion that Kim was

Who do you think but this out? Kris’ publicist cover up that his friends have been begging her for a few years now to get him help.

His friends told her long ago. She ignored them and froze them out this is not a surprise.

No, it’s to cover up for the fact that Kanye’s oldest friends for years have been begging him to get help, have known he was sick and the Kardashians ignored them because it was “Kanye being Kanye” and to protect the brand.

I had a cousin who was schizophrenic and it wasn’t an onslaught per se it was a series of violent episodes that led his diagnosis.

The only way to handle thirsty people.

You know what us small folks hate, being stuck in the middle of large people who seep over into your seats and take up of the arm rests and assume because you are smaller that they can take over the little space you have - give and take. Some people have legitimate medical issues but no they reclined back in their

Sound like Cho was trying to “Kathy Griffin” her not cool. I support Cho’s anger and POV but when it comes to Swinton I’m like come the fuck on it’s not like she’s dealing with a raging bigot. At times I ride hard on folks, but I would never betray a confidence when someone is being sincere.

My point wasn’t that they ended racism but they were able to influence people whether good or bad.

Oooooh nice opened up to that gorgeous rose ring and I love “rough” settings. Thanks for the tip!

A myth is ALSO - a widely held but false belief or idea.

As someone who canvassed in CA against the DP. Time and time again I would be confronted with “liberals care more about criminals than they do the victims”. We passed marijuana but can’t end the DP. My frustration is that the argument hasn’t moved beyond if you’re against the death penalty you’re a bad person. The

Let me clarify because what I wrote was confusing. I see more posters advocating for Dylan Roof’s life than there were posters who were outraged over the Walter Scott mistrial.