
The North’s trump card for years has been their conventional artillery border force.

Not exactly. North Korea’s army might be hilariously outdated, but they’re also absolutely massive; hell, I’m not even sure that the US forces in the region would have enough raw ordnance on hand to win an engagement of that scale.

Why would the south even want that? Germany reunited peacefully, and even then, rebuilding the East nearly bankrupted the country - and East Germany was way richer and more developed than North Korea will ever be.

Not “Doomsday” stuff, but regarding orders, I would most likely just follow them, because I trust in my government.

I’m just dubious to any claims by the Americans and their coalition with regards to Weapons of Mass Destruction.

We can shoot down howitzer shells and radioactive fallout now? I guess those new F-22's are worth 400 million a pop after all.

I don’t think there’s a person worth listening to that doesn’t believe they have nukes. Which isn’t like Iraq at all where a number of people in the know said Iraq was clean.

To be fair, people laugh at Bernie for a lot of reasons.

I hold out hope that a military solution won’t be required. It’s very hard to control information nowadays. I don’t expect the people of NK to stand up and die for truth, justice, and the american way, but I do think there’s a decent chance they’ll give a dictator the boot in exchange for iPhones and free porn.

Except for the salvo of 10,000 artillery guns and scuicide teams popping up all along the DMZ

That’s a very interesting question. Presumably these generals exist above the indoctrination of the masses and see the somewhat true state of things. At the same time they are beholden to the state for everything and their families are in danger if they step out of line. What do they do if they are ordered to strike?

I think the real question is whether Un’s Generals or the military complex as a whole, will carry out any “doomsday” attack if given the order.

I say let the south invade the north, we win either way.

You taking your meds? I haven’t starred my own posts. Can you do that?

The US didn’t invade Iraq and destabilize the middle east? I imagined that clusterfuck?

Your literacy concerns me....

I respect your opinion, but in my view, you cannot have a discussion about this topic without including both Hamas and Israel. The two are inextricably intertwined.

No, I blame the US because you invaded Iraq and entirely destabilized the middle east. I don’t even mind the invasion so much as the lying and the entire lack of planning. Donald Rumsfield saying it’s going to cost a few tens of billion.

The US invasion and destruction of Iraq entirely destabilized the middle east. It’s your fault entirely.

“Whether it’s driven by paranoia or by the sounds of yet another impending battle in the endless war that is the Middle East”