
I can’t handle his name. Is he Martin Sheen? No. Is he Michael Stipe? No. It’s confusing.

Except Tilda does a weird, insensible thing when she says, “I’m a Scottish woman of 55 who lives in the Highlands. There’s precious little projected on contemporary cinema screens that means a great deal to my life, if truth be told.”

nope. Tidla’s emails were typical IM A NICE WHITE PERSON GIVE ME COOKIES, she literally checked off the bingo list. Maybe she shouldn’t have blasted her publicly, but I don’t blame her, mostly because like her in Trumps America I don’t really care about white peoples feelings anymore

Quelle surprise a rich white woman fails to understand why Asians are mad about her playing a role that was originally written for an Asian. And then proceeds to pull and Asian version of I have a black friend.

This does not surprise me in the slightest. There are just certain people who you can tell are like that and Swinton definitely has those vibes. It’s like when Taylor Swift touched the weekends hair, or when Tina Fey had trouble naming  latinos in show business, or when Sherlock Holmes (aka animorphs face) used the

She reminds me of Dane Cook. Charismatic and funny at first but quickly wears thin.

Amy Schumer has loads of problematic stuff about her but her worst sin is being painfully unfunny.

I’ll take a hard pass, mostly because of her horrible Old Navy commercials, I don’t know anything else about her, but that’s enough for me.

Can’t wait to not watch this

As a Mexican guy, your co-workers were full of shit and stereotyping.