each payment you make on a financed car builds equity;
each payment you make on a financed car builds equity;
Cool, gonna go hang with the boys and savor a few adult pepsis.
Netflix-Codes shows you what all the categories are as well as how many movies are available within each subcategory.
Serious question: Does he have to get picked up by a team before he can be suspended 6 games? It seems like you aren’t really suspended from your job if you are unemployed.
Ok but why was there an undercover cop embedded with the protesters exactly?
Painstaking doesn’t mean what you think it does.
the racial demographics of defendants were: 3% Asian, 46% black, 46% white, 3% Native American, 2% unknown.
Pfft. we’ve been doing a .1k for 10 years.
The damage done by the fires was minimal, said a Royals spokesperson, and it’ll be repaired within a day. DePriest’s citation also says that she was “swimming in the fountain”—presumably the big one out in right-center—which I can’t imagine is very sanitary.
It astounds me that people keep blaming this on the public’s lack of awareness (believe me, are aware of altered carbon) rather than Joel Kinnaman’s utter lack of charisma.
Andy Reid forget to tell mom it was picture day?
Absolutely not you fucking monster. File this with questions like “Should I smoke cigars on this airplane?” or “Should I sing along with Taylor Swift on my headphones in this library?”
Black folks.
also mass
I can’t speak for everyone but the Chipotle in my neighborhood still regularly makes people sick and then denies it despite multiple reports and are also total dicks about it. So it’s a pretty rational concern that has nothing to do with 2015.
an x-wing isn’t a single use weapon by design