
I think we have enough takes about the immigration ban as it is. I really don’t need the NFL’s input on this one. Maybe they SHOULD stick to football.

It’s really not that confusing. It’s just stupid.

You are very aptly named.

They really should have gone with 4 quarters like real sportzball. Americans hate hockey.

Point of Interest, KC Lite beer comes from Monroe Wisconsin. They just ship it to KC and laugh all the way to the bank.

Actually whiskey stones, though they seem like a great idea, are terrible. They just don’t stay cold long enough. You’ll use them twice.

Actually whiskey stones, though they seem like a great idea, are terrible. They just don’t stay cold long enough.

That. Is a plane.

Exactly. The whole sharing economy thing is based on (millenial?) idealism, completely ignoring the fact that in reality a very high percentage of people are assholes who will smoke cigars in your car if you aren’t there to stop them.

Seems like that would just be one car that the owner could choose for different situations. Like A for when you drive it, B for when you loan it to your mother in law or whatever.

ah ha! Deadspin WAS aware there was a Chiefs game. Biggest comeback victory in franchise history in fact, but hey, why would a sports blog report on that sort of thing.

You should see the stuff at the Truman Library.

See, all of that background stuff is symbolic of the many reasons that Kansas is a complete shit-hole, which is why God, in the forefront, is smiting the fuck out of it.

Also I live in Kansas City now so I could easily just root for the Chiefs, but I enjoy being let down and fucked over.

none of the above

I want the Blades back. :(

Yeah well so did we in Kansas City a few years back so I don’t feel sorry for any of them.