Shit, is this that same tomato asshole who goes by several names?
The only movement this prolific troll participates in is of the bowel.
white people love to police black sexuality
That is the whitest thing I’ve ever read. There are no more pearls to clutch. She got them all.
you are a unicorn in a world filled with stunted ponies.
Maybe she could fuck him and he’d tell her who the Bag Man was.
This is a very clear racial micro aggression.
I don’t know. I guess I just kinda get how the machine works?
When I take my family to a public sacrifice to appease the cruel god of the void, I really hate it when an acolyte of Ner’huul makes an extra flourish with his bone knife or, and gosh this is THE WORST, when the High Priest makes a big show of eating the heart of the spring virgin. It’s like, act like you’ve BEEN…
“Abusers” is very different than “bigots.”
Um, no. you don’t cut out closest family for this reason. You just hold your ground and love them, frustratingly, anyway.
All right then. There’s a reason *some* lesbians are getting fed up.
I am quite familiar with the TERF blogsphere, thank you. Yes, there are some horrible comments, by people who are angry and need to vent. There’s also quite a bit of good information. And when trans women get called TERFs, you know it’s not transphobia. (Any more than it’s whorephobia when exited prostitutes get…
I’ve seen enough quoted online. People have even collected it in places with screen captures, so you can see for yourself. It’s really not hard to find if you’re willing to look for it.
From the petition, quoted above:
It was an accident and you have no idea if she felt remorse or not.
To me a year or two of activism does not make up for 40-odd years of (among other things) voting Republican and being a generally awful parent who was largely absent from her children’s lives. I agree she’s trying and that deserves respect, but “woman of the year” is a stretch.
Exactly, South Park put it best that you don't become a good person by transitioning. Bruce was a bad person then and Caitlyn is still a bad person today. The guy shouldn't have called her a man, but this worship of an old vapid reality tv star is really starting to wear on me.