So maybe this is some tinfoil hat stuff, but....
So maybe this is some tinfoil hat stuff, but....
You seem to be confusing the findings of the FBI with the findings of the New York Post, which I wouldn’t recommend.
Off the top of my head:
This is insightful, and compassionate (perhaps more than she deserves but at least you’re offering the chance).
Lolol. Imagine seeing all that is happening and deciding that saying all cops are bad is crossing the line. Fuck each and every single one of those pig motherfuckers.
You’re missing the point of ACAB - as the policing system currently stands, it is impossible for a cop to be good, regardless of their personal intentions. That’s clear in the article given examples of these “good cops” using illegal methods to “protect their communities.” The way policing in this country is…
To the letter writer you could sign your friend up for lefty/progressive/pro-trans newsletters. Maybe ask her to watch videos from Contra Points or Philosophy tube. You might want to looks up street epistemology to try to find out why she is holding these beliefs. It seem to me that the friend is going through…
So you’re dismissing everything else about the trailer because a very small part of it was an unintentional mistake that’s being rectified? Honestly, I think its great that the developer is taking this to heart and doing something about it because everything else about the game looks amazing. At some point, you have…
Not to make England sound like it has no police violence, but there’s a reason their police are well regarded internationally, and it’s because their force was founded on Robert Peel’s principles:
It really saddens me that everything in this game is being analyzed through some sort of min/maxing lens. It’s not just Kotaku. Unless a seasonal event or new bug type brings with it a new get rich scheme, it gets bashed as a waste of time. In an entire game about slowing down and appreciating the changes that come…
If you’re using so much mayo on grilled cheese that there’s enough to turn to that semi-translucent goo, you’ve used WAY too much.
It’s not super exciting but I thought it was kind of cute (and not really intrusive) and I was happy to get the plaques. Why can’t it just be a cute little thing that gives you cute little rewards?
Can we talk about how TERRIBLE Bob Harper was on this episode?
Maaaaaaaybe it’s just the editing or observer’s bias, but I’m honestly not super impressed with S-.
It annoys me to no end that people have to defend watching and being invested in vlogs. It just seems like the old contempt for blogs. Like, how dare someone decide their life or their hobbies are worthy of being shared — only publishers and studios can do that.
A body has been discovered!
So sad to see Rock M go - I didn’t mind her looks. The cup-and-ball hair was fresh and exciting and the colour choice for the outfit was spot on. I agree the make up and hair surpassed the clothes, but she didn’t deserve bottom 2.
I’m incredibly disappointed by the comments here. This is a fascinating article, clearly researched and thought out by someone who cares about the topic. The length is the point, the depth it dives into. When so many sites (this one included) are too ready to just dash off a couple paragraphs of “news” or poorly…