
Cynthia Nixon was in that film? Mind blown.

Apple products cost money not everyone in a generation has. I’ve never owned any of their stuff (I’m cheap).

Unions are the only way for the working class to ensure humane working conditions. That’s all there is to it.

I have a teenage daughter and I plan to take her and her friends to see this and then sit far away from them.  I cannot believe its taken this long for a renaissance of Teen GIRL coming of age movies.  When I was 13, I cut school with my best friends so we could sneak into “Little Darlings” - Kristy MacNicol and Tatum

Except not necessarily. By accident is favored by those over 35 and not from the US. On accident is far more common with Americans and those under 35.

“Feisty”? Really? What decade is this?

In some ways its worse, there isn’t really a clear point of departure and the consumer can just keep watching videos as long as he wants. In contrast with strippers the monetary demands cut off plenty of guys and with prudent sex workers they usually exit right after the guy’s finished, when he’s snoozing.

King is your best option of the local news, and it’s not particularly close.

I thought their whole conversion bit was fine. And the hosts were just .. basically delivering OK as long as they were talking, but then it was like the connection dropped and we were left waiting for the video to resume playing? I was expecting to see just the musical number as the bottom two. I don’t feel the

omg me too, I was dying at her demon voice. 

Don’t do this stupid punny bullshit. People have died.

this is an insane opinion

I looked at that picture of Lori Loughlin and all I could think was damn, Raja and Raven would just BOOT that dress. 

The most shocking detail of this whole affair is NXIVM apparently headquarters in Albany, NY.

I have heard it and I have known how unfit Trump is to even be out in public for 30 years or so.

Okay I see the problem. That porta-potty you stepped into was actually a dimensional shifting device. You are in a parallel universe. A lot is different here. Many of us have beards, it may in fact be the darkest time line. As far as Depp goes he is an okay actor who has done some good stuff and a lot of bad

You might not like fashion or whatever but his point is pretty succinct.

Youll never get those ten minutes back either.

You argument amounts to “I don’t understand the way in which his story was exposed, and I don’t want to look deeper into it, so I’ll just throw my hands up and claim there’s no way to know”. 

Is #metoo ever coming for Kiedis? Dude was convicted of sexually battering a fan and admitted to statutory rape of a girl he knew was 14 in his autobiography. It’s perplexing to me that he’s still performing at things like the grammys.