Frosted Nuts

WHAT ABOUT REPLAY FOR DIVES/PENALTIES! Seriously I watch more footy than the average ‘Murican and the one thing that drives me up a wall is: 1. clear dives that get the wrong player carded, and 2. PK that have no business being called. (2.b - When a ref does not call a penatly because its on the fence and he doesn’t

The doc on netflix (which is awesome) had Nolan Ryan at the fastest. 108 seemed impossible...

This is odd. All my Jet fans and myself will delude ourselves thinking Geno can raise the Lombardi. Seriously I know a guy who put down a future bet on them to win. That person is Nrosted Futs.

Cats do not abide by the laws of nature so Id send 4 or 5 on a string up the tree.

Sir this is deadspin. Dick jokes last like Hasmonean oil around here.

I dont understand you got a free table saw. That shit is expensive. Go over to r/woodworking, get some ideas, and make your lady friend a nice wooden thing.

Rhode Island has to be devasted.


Man made earthquakes. Literally.

Really wanted to hear “Bum bum bum bum garner!”

Still wont fix the viewers interpretation of, “Look right there, that’s a fawkin catch!”

TITLE in all caps. Has to be good.

I don’t hate but Billy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love your handle.

He didnt Brexit the vehicle

Dont worry, plenty of clap will be around for the Rio Olympics.


This happened to me in a similar fashion. While abroad someone in Detroit added themselves to my account as an authorized user and proceeded to purchase close to 900$ retail value of speakers, phone, and plan. Ive never stepped foot in the city limits to Detroit. The verification in some of these stores/carriers must

Considering this is basically Spurs its only fitting they would spurs this up.

+1 done for the day you can go home now

No perscription lenses to tonight Mr. Papagiannis?