
Actually, I don’t know about Winston Duke’s dating habits but..

The head scratcher (or patter) for everyone seems to be why she continues with the lie. People obviously appreciate a white woman that can do black hair and found it sort of endearing that she was committed to an organization like the NAACP. The problem is that she doesn’t think she’s a white woman and has taken

Right. Doing what we always do — support brothas. But our ROI is lacking. We need to see dem dividends...NOW.

“..I just wanna say thank you to a lot of what is actually black women who have rallied around me and started and spurred all of this. For them to tell me that i’m beautiful and for them to tell me i’m attractive...”

“Whining.” That was telling in this context.

LOL yeah, had to take my star back. Sexual misconduct not being an instant red flag is trash and he knows it... because its usually a male aggressor with a female victim. That’s why he won’t argue his reasons and qualified it with being a “woman hater.” His reasons are most likely steeped in misogyny and sexism.

I was with you til that last paragraph 👀😳

I’m not having any more “she’s finally happy” bullshit. Birther Barbie is happy with Cheetolini’s money and status. She is not an infant or innocent little doe lured into the woods by the big orange wolf. I’m over this shit. Save empathy and sympathy for people suffering under 45.

This birther bitch is happy where she is. Cut the shit already. I know she’s pretty and probably smells nice. You Know Better. Stop Caping for Complicit White Women. I’m sure her husband embarrassed her but not enough to leave his ass. And there are countless pictures of her smiling and laughing with Orange Jabba the

1. I’m not saying Rest in Peace to the four victims, all who were beautiful Black and Latino young people. Without justice there can be no peace. And justice is up to us! We gotta get assault weapons off the streets and gun control on every elected person’s agenda. Only problem is how to do this without stricter

I know he’s class and all that. And he will always comport himself in public. I get all that...

Wrong. White people aren’t invisible, they’re not sneaking by while everyone is entranced by phantom black criminals. White people are implicitly trusted. All you need to do when you’re white is act like you’re allowed to everything you’re doing, and even if you do get caught, you’ll likely be given a warning, or a

Nobody’s arguing anything different. I’m talking about what she’s trying, and I’m just going on the record as saying I’m not having it.

Imagine a black person being trusted enough to get a key fob for a luxury car without providing any ID. Also imagine the police just saying “Eh. There’s some traffic so fuck it” if this were a black car thief.

The Obama’s are better people than me and better people than America deserves.
Melania wants to be Michelle so much. She can steal the Michelle’s words and her food but she’ll never have her class or her marriage.

She literally got where she did by agreeing to marry a rich older dude for his money and citizenship. There’s nothing else *to* her.

At least once a month a white co-worker will casually mention how they feel so sad for Melania and every Black employee has to constantly remind them how she promoted all that bullshit birther noise during the election and that no passes will be issued for her. That’s always followed up by a, “She was only doing it

The only way to tell if Melania actually cooked the greens is if there are raisins or some other Martha Stewarty type nonsense like sage & a four leaf clover in them. Cuz if they are then we know Melania cooked it.

Every time I drum up some pity for that woman married to that abusive dumpster fire, here she comes again with her birther-level white nonsense. If that was a Per Se recipe, she’d be paying through the nose for it, assuming they’d even let her have it. They need to Guggenheim her, like the ED there did when Donald