we’ll get some really shitty predominantly black cast movies that will do poorly
we’ll get some really shitty predominantly black cast movies that will do poorly
For years, James Cameron’s Titanic was the golden standard by which all American theatrical releases were judged,…
You are dumb as fuck.
Facts. A white man in Florida was literally eating another person’s face—eating them, I said—and they still didn’t shoot him up and kill him. He walked out of there alive. They feel they are always justified in using lethal force when a black body is involved.
I distinctly remember seeing a video of an old White man pointing an actual shotgun at multiple people, including police officers and those same officers spent 30+ minutes talking him down and disarming him. So they can miss me with the bullshit. If they wanted to resolve this situation peacefully, they had more than…
Cops in the neighborhood, no matter how straight or corrupt, know the neighborhood. Growing up, there was a wino named Petey on the block. He was a drunk. He committed petty crimes from time to time, but was never a major threat. One day, Petey had a bad Vietnam flashback and was acting out. The local neighborhood…
I made a similar observation on the minority TV show “joke” on the show and a decent amount of wypipo (admittedly in the greys) basically told me I didn’t “get it,” that I was looking at it wrong and, classically, I was being too “sensitive,” as if racism were merely an insult and not an institution.
The “[Families of color] are just like us” line is such white nonsense. It implies the families don’t face additional stress and conflict than whites. Of course the point of the shows is to dramatize that families of color deal with all the pressures of white families AND the additional bullshit heaped on us from…
This is some peak-Becky bullshit.
White people are going to be uncomfortable when the topic of race comes up. You need to realize that white people are tagged as the villains in every racial situation.
Ugh. I wish I was amazed that you think all the work to meet in the middle needs to be done by the person of color in a relationship and that the white person is to be coddled and babied until they feel like opening their fucking eyes and seeing the world for what it really is, but.... in that way, you’re exactly like…
White “culture” excel at oppression and appropriation all underwritten by a level of brutality and inhumanity of demonic proportions.
She obviously doesn’t know squat about the Ming Dynasty, the trade channels to the “Orient”, or the structures in Asia that to further back than any society Europeans have built.
White people are historically proven to be better at building; they do it historically by forcing persons of color to do the labor for free under threat of death.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
I wonder if Officer Mohamed Noor will be able to get the benefit of the doubt like these cops. Even though he killed a lily white yoga instructor. Who couldn’t have POSSIBLY been a threat. FOH Amerikkka. I’m sick and tired of men who look like me being executed by state sponsored terrorism.
It’s so crazy to me that cities would rather pay millions of dollars to black families rather than try to prevent cops from killing them. Like, are we in some Black Mirror reality where America is deciding to pay reparations, but needs every black family to sacrifice at least one kid per paycheck?
He was executed.
They’re a known troll and way too often let out of the grays for reasons I’ve yet to grasp.
Don’t bring out the trolls and just keep them in hell. And that troll is just running rampant.