
Southerners are champs at the backhanded compliment. Source: I grew up with a Southern deb.

I had a true WASP grandmother who once told me in a loud stage whisper at a crowded BCBG during PROM SEASON that I looked like “A low class woman of the night, not event the escort variety.” She was a peach. Dearly miss her but not those comments.

I think the only reason that we’re hearing about it is because she went to a real hospital, not the campus health clinic, and spoke to real law enforcement officers, not the campus cops. Universities always encourage their students to come to them first with a problem before calling 911 but this would have just been

Saw this on a friend’s page the other day.

My grandpa is 78 and he just threw out his desktop because and I quote “I can do it all on my phone or ipad now and I don’t even have to get out of my armchair!” so there you have it. He’s pretty close to 80 and I’ve only been asked for help a couple of time. Honestly these days, at least some products, are a lot more

That’s so sad but I think it’s true about my own life too, the not knowing anyone who wasn’t raped. I think all of my closest friends have and it’s really really shitty that it has become the new norm :(

Yes I realize the slur but it’s also a Mexican dish which I’ve eaten with, and was introduced to by, bonafide Mexicans in the heartland of Puebla. You should look it up! They’re delicious.

I donated $45 over the last couple weeks. It wasn’t easy and I did it in three different payments but it’s important to me and I know my money went to a campaign that I have and will continue to support. I voted for Bernie in Texas today, I wish he could have done better here.

Please come to San Antonio and tell me to my face after a delicious gringa or some mini tacos that we’ve bastardized Mexican food. Me and my chicas at Tacos el Regio would beg to differ.

UGH like the time I saw a cop talking on his cell phone and trying to put his seat belt on all at the same time WHILE ALSO DRIVING. Hypocrites...

This morning while waiting in line to vote a garbage human being in a “Make America Great Again” hat came to harass my Spanish speaking neighbors who were also in line to vote asking them “What’s ‘merica’s national language?” and telling these abuelos and abuelas just minding their own damn business to “Speak

I voted for Bernie today in the primary but if he doesn’t win I’ll definitely be voting for Hillary. I don’t know many Bernie supporters who wouldn’t support the eventual democratic nominee whoever they are.

It’s my grandma’s birthday today too! She’s technically 84, but today we celebrated her 21st b-day!!!! She gots shots and a sash and a night out without Grandpa. It was pretty grand. Happy 21ST BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!

I couldn’t find it on my american Netflix :’(

OMG my dog looks so similar to that cutie! I’m not sure what kind of dog that is or what my Gizmo’s true heritage is but here’s a picture of him.

Michaels all the way!

My boyfriends grandfather had it as a child and now that he’s much older you can see that it still causes him mobility issues. It’s especially crippling because he also has Parkinson’s so a man who was once very active now needs help to do even the smallest things. It’s so sad :(

A nice doll that is well made should cost a good amount of money though...

I love to wear lingerie for special occasions. My boyfriend loves it and it definitely makes things a little bit spicier. But not for the day to day sex.

When I was studying abroad in Spain a patrol car pulled up by me while I was walking home after a night out at like 3 in the morning and those cops tried to pick me up. It was very creepy and I was all alone on a dark street in the middle of the night and they were driving next to me while I was walking and talking to