
Don't forget the tip.

Oui. Even surpassing Pete.

Arnold didn't know, but he did have a bug up his arse about Don. Either he suspected but couldn't prove something had happened btw Sylvia and Don, or Arnold harbored jealousy about Don about something else, e.g.: Don'sbeing able to snag a parade of beautiful women, Don's earning millions without a colllege degree in

My snort was divided between that statement of Betty's and Don's facial reaction to it.

Good move. I'd keep a set at the office and a set at home.

Don (writes $1,000,000 checks)
Roger (buys an apartment in exchange for a dinner date with clients and an optional sleepover).

Pete: You 're RENTING clubs?! What will the clients think?
Don: I'll buy a set in the shop.

RE: "Megan had instructed the moving men it was just a few boxes and a chair and one other thing."

I think that "sloppy" part really got to Don, given he donned a suit to welcome Diana to his apt. at 3 am and explained he'd done so because he was "vain". The rest of it (aging, selfish, liar), he already knew about himself.

According to my estimates above, Don's share of the McCann deal was at least $6 MM. If Don received 20% of this annually, over the course of his 5-year contract with McCann, then he'd receive $1.2 million per year from the deal alone. Of course, he'd also be earning a salary, bonuses, and other compensation.

Roger said Joan's share of the McCann deal is $1.5 million.

Yep. And I distinctly recall Henry's taking advantage of Don by living an unreasonably long time with Betty, et. al. in Don's house, rent-free.

Don's giving Megan $1,000,000 reminded me of Megan's giving Anna's preggers niece a several thousand dollar check and sending her away, under the (false) guise that if the girl didn't go, Don would tell the girl what to do with her life. Megan's actual intention was to eliminate a rival for Don's attention, even

RE: "I'm trying to figure out how Weiner expects us to see that million. As
money that Megan deserves? As Don writing a check to assuage his guilt
and help him pretend that he's really starting fresh?"

I thought it was clear: the lawyers were dragging out the divorce, Megan attributed this to Don, and now that she's faring poorly careerwise and financially, Megan's bitter about having to repeatedly ask Don for allowance money and his commenting on the amounts she requests, even though he's a millionaire.

It hasn't been established that Megan knows Don cheated on her.

Don didn't give Megan the $1,000,000 merely to get rid of bitchy Megan. His discussion with Harry made it clear she'd torpedoed her career by quitting the soap and moving to LA, which Megan only did to accommodate Don's announcement that they were moving to Cali. A move Don never made.

Roger didn't rape Jane. He was persistent, true, but he didn't force her to have sex with him.

Harry's garbage, but not worthless. He's of great value to his firm, he supports his family, he gave Paul $500 and the push needed to extract him from the Hare Krishnas, he gave Don the heads up that Don was going to be fired, and - according to Megan herself - Harry's advice helped her two actress friends get agents

RE: "That million dollars Don gave here will be the worst thing for her. She's got no incentive to find a job now. She'll probably hook up with some guy or some cult who will take her for all she's worth."