
Asking why Chun-Li is not in Mortal Kombat is like asking why Carnie Wilson won’t be at a Spice Girl reunion tour.

Ccccccombo breaker!!!! My favo part of Street Fighter!

I think you might be confusing Chun-Li with King from Tekken. Chun-Li was in Soul Calibur.

I’m glad you updated. Chun Li is from Tekken 3 for those wondering.

No, she wasn’t. Because Chun-Li isn’t a Mortal Kombat character.

She’s not in the movie, because Chun-Li isn’t in the Mortal Kombat games. She’s in Street Fighter.

Errrrrr ...

That she’s not from the games this series is about? Different series made by a completely different company.

And, no. Just went down a rabbit hole. Some people have made an association between the goblins and anti-semitic tropes. And the WB cartoon displayed an unfortunate hooked nose. But it really isn’t enough to posit a direct correlation.

Exactly. She’s not concerned about sexualized gendered insults for her ex-husband because there really aren’t any. The English language is more than colorful enough to come up with something that doesn’t require perpetuating inequality.

My understanding is gendered insults are bad because they weaponize existing inequalities, not because you cannot criticize another woman. I can hate and curse out Ivanka all I want without needing to say ‘she’s bad AND she’s a woman’. Just leave the second part out, it doesn’t add anything.

Biden's coalition isn't nearly as fragile as Ian's ego here.

But Ian is just sooooo tired. It’s sooooo exhauuussting trying to get like... quotes right and stuff. Uhhgghhhh

Fixed the headline for you.

You know, I would be a lot more on board with Biden skepticism if it was powered by actual concerns and not baldfaced lies like this:

I’m not a huge Biden fan. But Trump is a lying, selfish, racist jackass that must be stopped. So not a hard choice for me.

Thought the first: I’d rather the campaign at least do something to reach out to younger voters, who are the least reliable demographic in terms of “vocal activists on Twitter, no-shows at the polls because it would require them to be adults and actually follow through with something” turnout.

I know, right? How dare Biden’s campaign put some apparent thought and care into making a neat Animal Crossing island. <rolls eyes>

It’s like how campaigns used to make Second Life HQs - it’s neat, but ultimately kind of silly. What it does is show that the campaign at least considers a particular segment of voters as

All this commentary about not being the other guy is a bit off.

“Everyone is happy instead of being stuck in a constant cycle of uncertainty and fear. Neighbors can hold conversations without spending the next two weeks worrying about every cough.”