
I'm french, and God (and everyone) knows we don't understand the first thing about football... Well, even I could see how flawed that plot was...

@bob_d: In the great comic Fables, there is Hansel, and he is very keen on finding witches, which is quite understandable, given his previous experience with that kind of people...

@evildead1971: Are you sure it means what you think it does ?

@Chip Overclock: I was just wondering why there was a french flag on the castle's flagpole... Was it, in fact, an image of a french castle, or is there, in Cardiff, a castle that bears french colors ?

@Cupajo: Yeah ! That's the Dogma pose !

@Bwehngamun: It's easy : Down is where the enemy gate is...

@Sl0th: There, there...

@Gaudy Mouse Muad'Dib: Or that means that there is another person as sick as you are, wich is very disturbing, and not very reassuring...

@Vondruke: Well, the two brothers that kill the family are french, and they are pretty creative...

OK, here is what I learned :

@sharkd: Errr... The operator's manual was thrown into a nova, so it might be hard to re-read...

Nice but... Can it kill me with it's brain ?

Impressive... Most impressive...