Wolfram Hardon

It’s the same 13 states that are always the answer to the question, “Why are we still discussing this basic human right?”

Why just one out of 13 should be easy!

At the risk of being That Guy, we are not one state away from ratification of the ERA, we are thirty-eight states and a 2/3rds majority congressional vote away, because the final deadline (itself extended from the original) for ratification of the ERA expired in June of 1982.

VA and NC are becoming a lot more liberal with the growth of the DC area in VA and Charlotte/Research Triangle in NC. The Republicans are putting up a hell of a fight, but it’s a losing battle. The VA legislature is gerrymandered like woah to the R’s, yet they still only have a one-seat majority in both houses, and

I did the opposite thing; I think superhero and franchise movies is a cancer on cinema and refuses to give them any of my money (I watch CAMs or wait until they show up on tv if I absolutely want to see them), but “Solo” did so poorly that I reasoned that my money would hardly help save it so I paid to see that (it

Come on Randall. Going Away to College is clearly the best song on the album.

I’d actually be fine with shrugs when people say the prequels sucked. It’s the people who write 3,000 word “No, Actually The Prequels Were Good” opinion pieces that I could do without.

I’m disappointed Mel Brooks never spoofed the prequels with Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2.

I can respect a lot of the writers’ takes here, but I’d say for some of them that their trailers and marketing gave good warning signs of the disappointment to come. In that category you’ll find The Phantom Menace and The Hobbit, where the marketing and buzz around both films sounded hopeful but showed many reasons to

Metal Gear Solid 5 wasn’t just disappointing. It showed me how Kojima writes about war the same way a 14-year-old writes about knives. It also showed me gamers, the game press, etc will overlook inhumanly stiff dialogue, schlocky sexual assault storytelling, white savior tropes and just so. Much. Bad storytelling as

Naw that shit sucked and you don’t need to listen to the people who make excuses for Bayformers. The trailers gave only a hint at how truly awful it was. People ate it up. And they liked it so much they made Revenge of the Fallen even bigger, which at least was more like revenge on them for boosting the first film.

I think a lot of people watched them as kids so they’re tinted by nostalgia. And then there’s the rabid anti-TLJ weirdos who are just supporting the prequels to be perverse.

The Dark Tower, Books 5-7. A complete mess of storytelling that felt rushed, tried to lean too hard on then pop culture references for relevance (like Harry Potter) and relied way too heavily on the reading of other King novels. Really? I have to read the fucking Night Flyer and Hearts in Atlantis, too?

Chronologically speaking, Ghostbusters II, Star Trek V, and The Crow: City of Angels all kind of broke my nerdy little heart. But man, Zelda II and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back are also great, dismal picks.

I can’t get over how bad Phantom Pain was. (Ground Zeroes, the short, cheap “prequel” to MGSV, is fantastic.)

I thought the attack on the military base in Qatar by Blackout followed by the attack of Scorponok on the survivors was fantastic but the rest of the first Transformers movie drove itself off a cliff.

As a 16-year-old, that is the exact same reaction that I had to The Phantom Menace. Like, it was fine? Had cool parts, but was also sort of boring? I saw it in theaters three or four more times (mostly with friends who hadn’t seen it yet), and that final lightsaber duel is still pretty great, but there’s just no way

That whole final season was a mess. Whedon had some good ideas, but his head was clearly focused elsewhere (probably Firefly,) and the people who were left in charge of the show had no idea how to execute his vision without him. 

Michael Bay Transformers.

I was ten in 1986. I owned a whole bunch of transformers toys. Prowl, Optimus, Brawn, Ratchet, and dozens of others. I was excited about the movie, and it was a major coup that I convinced my parents to let me see it. I was unprepared, though. It absolutely dropped my jaw and blew my brain

My biggest disappointment is an odd one, but it’s probably Mass Effect 2. Not because it’s a bad game, but because it was one of the first and still clearest examples to me of ‘the world doesn’t agree with you about what’s good’.