I'm eagerly awaiting with credit card in hand.
I'm eagerly awaiting with credit card in hand.
Hmmm. All I can say is for 20 minutes, I became a new fan of Sesame Street. I thought they were just dispelling rumors about Bert and Ernie by showing them banging a chick.
Wow! My herpes sores are AWESOME today! Herpes rocks!
Yes. It worked because moisture from your breath would help conductivity on the contacts. Older cartridges were made out of dissimilar metals: gold, tin, etc. When two different metals touch each other, corrosion usually results. The moisture from you blowing would help conduct, and you were off playing Mario again.
Well, you're not floating away, right? There's your proof!
That's actually very profound. When we don't know what caused something, our brains DEMAND an answer, so we come up with supernatural explanations- ghosts, God, Satan, the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal...these explanations fill the void until enough time passes to where we can see the truth.
1st gen model + super hot processor + super thin form factor = all the ingredients for heat issues. I'm sensing it: Obi Wan style.
I sense overheating issues.
Amazing how I didn't WHAT? What are you talking about? I'm sure you're going to talk about me not disclosing my fetish for barnyard animals when I applied for that job at the zoo, which is totally unfounded. How dare you bring something like that up in a public forum!
Are the Roku remote buttons still made out of that weird "sticky, yet not sticky", super soft rubber material? I liked their remote for that material alone :)
I think that SNL skit shamed them into changing their minds.
Wow...this is one of the nerdiest arguments I've ever seen here. Just reading it made my virginity grow back :(
"Something big is coming..."
Another problem with the voice interface is privacy — everyone around you knows what you're doing, which may not be appropriate in a lot of situations. A keyboard can be used in all situations. Therefore, the voice interface will always be secondary.
They needed to push a product out the door because of all the high end Android phones coming out in the next few weeks, so—- no.
I don't understand why centrifugal gravity is never considered in these ships? Is there some kind of physical law saying the ship can't rotate to create gravity?
Thought it was going to turn out like this:
Two things:
This explains a lot. I spent the weekend in jail after I got my shipment Friday night and told my wife "I can't WAIT to use this on you!", then pulled a gun out of the box :(