
You could get one of those "gaming ottomans" that is basically a giant storage chest on the inside. Most of them look pretty decent and the added benefit of having someplace to kick your feet up while gaming is kinda nice.

Is it me, or does Luigi look like he's in a rather unfortunate and compromising position relative to Mario?

Agreed. How do you even know if a player will be on a team's 53-man roster when you draft so early? You could even have players that switch teams - become a last-minute cut from one team and get picked up in free agency from another team.


Interesting new spin with the "Behind the App" series. I will continue to look forward to the How I Work series, but these should be interesting too.

Agreed! I can't count the number of times I've knocked one of these over accidentally. With a mug that didn't seal, I would have had a real mess everywhere.

Yeah, I'm with you on the whole "cult of Mac" thing - seems like everyone interviewed uses an iPhone and a Mac, usually a laptop. I know there have been exceptions (Guy Kawasaki, Nolan Bushnell, etc.) but the vast majority fall into that other group.

Absolutely agree. Training too hard all the time doesn't give you time to recover. Easy runs are supposed to be easy for a reason! The more you "follow the rules" when it comes to your workouts, the more benefit you'll receive.

Are you buying the Eneloop brand? I've had very good luck with those - they always recharge successfully for me, no duds.

I *just* ordered a new phone (HTC One) to replace my nearly 4-year-old Palm Pre. I finally felt like I was too far behind the times, and the Pre was starting to manifest some strange behavior. Up until recently, though, the Pre was enough to get me by - though the camera was woefully underpowered. Other than that,

I started on the XTi and got great use out of it. I ended up moving to the 40D for the high speed shooting and bigger viewfinder, but with good glass, the XTi is more than capable.

Most of it is things like:

Oil slick, smoke screen, missiles... or maybe that button just summons the van that installs those things.

Thanks for the reply. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding perspective - like you mentioning cancer as a worry. That reminds me that I've never really had to worry about that in myself, and I should be thankful.

What I struggle with is crowding out worry. Even if I list three good things, exercise, enjoy tea, and count my blessings... a part of my brain is still screaming at my about the parts of my life that aren't good enough.

Well, that's a nice thought and everything, IF you're fortunate enough to have found the person with whom you want to settle down by your early 20s! Reality, though, is that for many people it takes longer for them to find "the one", and then many of them like to have a little bit of time post-marriage to enjoy being

What do you suggest is the best way for a customer to make this happen without seeming greedy or shady? I'll be traveling with a family this summer, staying one night in a hotel each way while we drive to and from our destination. Are one-night stays eligible for this kind of treatment? Also, is it recommended to

If you think ROMs for your old systems are cool, then I'd look around for a site where someone collected all those Cool ROMs in one place. Or maybe just one CoolROM. *wink*

You know you can buy those same cookies in many supermarkets and drug store chains, right?