
Wow... someone who actually still owns, and uses, a Touchpad! Respect.

So let me get this straight: tools he can't live without include a web browser... but his best time-saving tricks include "No news. No web surfing." I wonder just what his browser gets used for, then!

I just wish the ATV 3 could be jailbroken. ATV 2 models are just too hard to come by nowadays without a 1.5x - 2x markup.

VOTE: Weber Genesis series

putting the "hacker" in "Lifehacker"... nice!

Good interview, Tessa. I liked this one; for some reason the subject (Kelly) seemed to come across as much more accessible than some of the others. I also found it interesting that she noted that some of her best ideas came from, as she put it, "productive procrastination." I'm going to try her method of

Sometimes on a slow Friday afternoon I like to go through the accumulation of email from the week and do a purge of the ones I forgot to delete during the week, and start blocking out time during the upcoming work week for the emails / tasks that I know will need focus.

VOTE: Bose IE2 headphones

Oh, and Daniel Tosh. That dude is FUNNY.

I think Chris Hardwick would be a great HIW candidate. Maybe you could also reach out to Malcolm Gladwell and Wil Wheaton. Those guys oughta have enough cred with LH readers, right?

I love my Squirt P4. I heard TSA was supposed to relax their restrictions (sometime in April?) on what could be carried on airplanes. Anyone know whether the Squirt P4 can be carried on now?

My Weber Genesis E-310 remains one of the best purchases I have ever made. It's almost hard to mess up grilling with it!

Much obliged. :)

Beans or GTFO.

I'd love to hear the recipe for the fruit / vegetable smoothies!

Very smart tip here. This will also give you the chance to see how well a particular distro of Linux will work on a given set of hardware.

CoderSeven - does the RPi have the native ability play 1080p video in any format?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the RPi couldn't handle certain formats of HD video - only certain containers / formats worked, and that was only up to 720p or something like that. Has that changed?

I'm going to disagree with the last part about not re-reading, or highlighting. Speaking from the perspective of a project manager, I've found that when I have to go back to find the relevant bits of a discussion or meeting that I've documented by hand, highlighting or underlining often times helps me skim right to

One well-placed projectile or headlong rush from a toddler, and someone's going to be a sad panda.