
I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,

“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”

He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.

“Hello, robot they call ‘Tom’.”

It was a close one, but I’m going to give the Captain ‘murica title to Huckabee this time. He managed to invoke Schrodinger’s Immigrant and satirically misspell Hillary’s name in the same screed.

Sarah Palin, never change.

His whole “aggrieved conservative” shtick here is like the philosphical/juridical equivalent of heinous “stand your ground” laws: antagonize someone else and then complain before anything happens to you, or even after you kill them/get off free and clear.

Isn’t that what he means when he says “make America great again”? The America where a white narcissist can get away with saying and doing whatever he wants to anyone he feels is inferior without fear of reprisal. The America where women and minorities have no voice in the affairs of state. The America where Nathan

Every day, at 12:00 p.m.:

“It’s hiiiiigh noon.”

I believe it’s pronounced ‘chahge cahd’.