She despised her stepmother with the fire of a thousand suns for most of her life. Also, her step grandmother, Barbara Cartwright wrote the romances, not the stepmother. Diana read romances, but not probably not hers.
She despised her stepmother with the fire of a thousand suns for most of her life. Also, her step grandmother, Barbara Cartwright wrote the romances, not the stepmother. Diana read romances, but not probably not hers.
Our standards don’t count. We don’t have royalty, thank God. Diana’s ancestry was, in fact, better than Charles’ when you come right down to it, but she wasn’t technically royal. In fact, she may have had a better claim to the actual throne, I’m not sure. But the Hanovers were willing to have almost no actual power…
Dior Lip Addict!!! Never fails!
The “House of Windsor” is of German origin. They were brought in after Queen Anne died around three hundred or so years ago. During or after the First World War, because of hatred of Germans, they became the Windsors.
Depending on the source, there are reports that Diana was planning to snag Charles for years.
Camilla came from the upper classes by any standard. And Diana was also a commoner.
She also really had no interest in the princess thing. Diana’s older sister reportedly turned Charles down before he eventually landed on Diana.
I’m surprised raisin has worked so well. That suggests that you have some olive mixed with your pale coloring, which is good. I don’t. I’m hideously pink-white. Yuck.
The older you get, the more vital it is to wear lip color, because lost lip pigment is a sign of age. But, bright lip color is as aging as no lipstick after 50.
They will spontaneously combust when he starts in on social justice. It will be like the Inquisition, but without all the overhead for firewood.
Kimmy is now in my snuggly rotation. These are comedies that are perfect for snuggling under a quilt and eating cookies and milk while watching. They are funny and cozy at the same time. Examples: Frasier and Parks and Rec.
Dammit! You beat me to it!
You are so right. Old dude, maybe, with a much younger wife who wants her own business? It’s very weird. I’ve read all the articles involved. His reads like he is a mouthpiece. It really is propaganda.
I originally thought he was short. Definitely. (So you are no wrong!) Because he seems like he would be. Not all short guys over compensate. But Cuban seems like he dors. So, it’s probably pickle dick syndrome.
Nah. He's Mr. Neverbone.
I agree about height. He just looked short to me. I pay no attention to him, because he has such a bad reputation in Indiana. I had no idea about his height, but am familiar with his punchable face.
Agreed. He’s awful. That teeny little mouth.
Speaking of short, he looks short. Is he short? Ugh.
One of my best friends from high school, a tiny, very athletic girl, called me two weeks before she became a mother to tell me she was pregnant. I had seen her two weeks before that call. She was as slim as ever. She gave birth to a large, healthy baby boy. He's now in his 30s and a healthy, happy adult.
Over 30 years now, both well educated, although I am his dependent because he out earns me four to one. Neither cares about religion. And while there are negatives to having only one child, I do think it's the way to have as much as you can while still enjoying marriage.