
I got married at the courthouse. If you don't want to get married, great. But you can get married five days a week. Then, you have a lovely reception a month or two later.

My no-debt-having super career lady daughter has been married quite awhile. Her husband has no debt. They own a home, are over 30. No kids in sight. They’ll probably have kids, but the wait is killing me. Killing me.

Good points. Also, a relationship based on friendship is a great start. All successful long-term romantic partnerships are friendships at bottom. As a long-term married, I get that.

Agreed. Children transcend their parents. Sally is stronger than either of her parents, and she loves her mother. Now she knows her mother loves her. Don? Maybe she's outgrown worrying about him.

Where is the wondrous place that you live? Fall weather year round seems like heaven to me. It really never gets terribly hot or cold where you are?

OMG! Now I'm afraid!

She looks like a waxwork at Madam T’s. There's something about the Romneys that seems only 99 percent human, but the other one percent really matters. Are they aliens? Or just pioneers from a planet Mitt rules?

Where is SSN? Does anyone know?

I have thought for several seasons that January Jones was an obsession for Weiner, then, she did something that made Weiner super mad. Then he punished her and turned his obsessive gaze to Jessica Pare. Like Hithcock did to his actresses. The series suffered with less Betty and Sally.

Please watch this show. I'm afraid it will go away. It gets better every episode.

I think GoT is racist as hell. Also pervy. It reads like many fantasy and historical books written by men in the 70s.

I agree on all points. It was biased in favor of victims. He couldn’t have been more clear about his attitude. Also, I read an article on the book and to say his research was exhaustive would be an understatement.

Maybe she lost her mind from eating at the Chuckle Hut.

I swear, my first response was, “Goddammit, you’re right!”

I do know the phrase “wanton cruelty,” but was thinking of the second definition, which is more commonly used. I would still argue that the lawyers could have used a better term, but I concede your point.

This mess didn’t stop Krakauer. Everyone should read Missoula.

Honestly, I think the lawyers don’t know what “wanton” means.

He was part of a posse of men in the 70s who thought nothing of bedding very young girls. That’s how Polanski came to rape a child in Nicholson’s house, but hey, you know best.

Nice gif, but Nicholson is a dirty old man misogynist pervert who only gives one performance since The Joker.

It’s so much easier to be white and male than anything else. I’m not saying it’s better. I’m saying it’s easier. People of every other class, gender, race, we all simply have it harder. My entire life has been eased by the presence of successful white men in it.