
This is wonderful to read. Too often, on purportedly feminist sites like this one, I read comments along the lines of this: Old ugly bags are jealous of me because I'm young and hot. Or, that we are disrespecting them by not swooning at every new idea they have.

But they truly believe they aren't. They really, truly believe it. They define themselves as "Not American." That's their identity. Therefore, because of racism in the US, which is very, very real, they can't be racist, because they are the "Not Americans."

If only Canadians would take your advice.

I'm sorry you are experiencing this. As I say in my OP, racism is everywhere. Most Americans know very little about Roma, and, sadly, think that trashy TLC show is representative, which, obviously, it isn't.

Good point!

If you read enough comments here, you will certainly see that Canadians, British, Swedish—you name it—commenters firmly believe racism ONLY exists in the US.

This is what he normally wears:

You're getting personal and mean. Calling me immature is baseless and unnecessary.

That's nice to read.

Men run things. It's horrible. And unfair. And stupid. But it will not change very much in your lifetime. It certainly hasn't in mine. I do my part, but until we have something remotely approaching parity in boardrooms and in politics, what men think matters too much.

Because we live in a patriarchy. Male desire and the power it holds will not be gone even a little during your lifetime. I'm old enough to be free of it, which is great, but you probably aren't.

Agreed. But sophisticated food culture and casserole food culture is different. Also, casserole food culture is delicious! I think we just eat more here. And we don't walk anywhere.

Clearly, she smelled something. Something that really got her attention. But hey, I'm just a woman, which means I'm a defective man.

Interesting that a dude chimes in because he doesn't trust what a woman says. Because I'm guessing you're a guy.

An acceptance of people just being who they are, and an unabashed delight in all things food.

I don't know that most men prefer women to be thin. I think men have huge variations in what they consider sexy.

Good point.

First of all, good on you for being health focused. That's all that matters. But honestly, here in the Midwest, size is much less of a thing for all ethnicities.

Outside the coasts, Gina is a size that is completely acceptable and desirable to many men, including educated, affluent men of any ethnicity. The tyranny of size is much, much worse on the coasts. Yes, size shaming happens everywhere, but there really is more acceptance of it in the middle.

Every marriage has a deal at its center. My husband and I were penniless college students when we married. It was a real fever-of-love marriage. Even so, each brought real benefits to the other. My husband is kind, really smart, tall and I was positive he would be a solid earner. Yes, even in a total fever of love and