
This sites a few days ago. She seemed to reluctantly accept the truth, but I'm skeptical. She really, really needed that fantasy.

Why do you live here? I mean, seriously. This is not a love or leave it question. But you despise this country. Passionately. I would never live in a country I hated as much as you hate this one. You are seething.

Some world history would help you a lot.

I want to star this so many times. I m sick to death of the "America is a hellhole" rhetoric. There's a lot that needs fixing in the US. I do my part for change, because I love being American. I've been a progressive all of my life, but I'm disgusted by the notion that to be a good progressive I must despise my own

There is some real meanness in some of these comments. I've never been a fan (I'm too old), but my daughter is just a few years younger than she is, and I remember the crazy, silly, happy years that Britney, at her height of fame, embodied.

Well, LA. But here's my question: Do they seem like they'll stay rich? It hardly counts if you can't keep it.

To be clear: we're talking 65 years and above. But those old bastards are tenacious and have no intention of retiring.

My experience as an upper middle class white lady for lo these 50 plus years is that they still do not name their boys trendy names.

Sons of Anarchy.

On boards? I doubt it.

Bob is very common name in the upper classes of a certain maturity.

I don't think well educated people equate wealth and class. Nor do socially secure people. Socially secure people can't be made to feel inferior because they know who they are and they crop up in every class.

I'm a purse snob as well. Coach has surprised me in a really positive way in the last year. After 10 years of refusing to consider Coach, I bought a great purse from it that gets endless compliments.

My students, who are first generation college students, go nuts for him. I think he uses too much hardware.

If there is one thing I can depend on at a Gawker site, it's groveling adoration of all things British. British fashion may quite possibly be better than US fashion. But I wouldn't depend on a Gawker article to present anything about the British in a rational way.

This is a feminist site that supports women, but okay.

I'm about as agnostic as you can get without being a full-on atheist, and I think this is rude and an example of bad winning.

Quoting a mysoginistic war cheerleader. Nice.

Parental loan? If you owe them, just quit paying for awhile.

Great! Thank you!