I had a nice reply for you, but Kinja stinks. Short version: Your dad seems like a good man.
I had a nice reply for you, but Kinja stinks. Short version: Your dad seems like a good man.
It is a great movie. Still, I squirm at the thought of watching it with my kid.
These are all noble fathers.
We never censored our daughter's music or book choices or worried about nudity in art, but to this day, I will not watch any film with sex in it while she is in the room. She is 30.
Well, you seem pretty damn angry, so maybe all that restroom denial really has affected you. made you uncivil.
Wow. I've lived in US cities large and small and always easily find bathrooms. I just go into the gas station or the mall anchor store. Or buy a bottle of water at McDonalds. I have a weak bladder, so I've had to go on a lot of places— most are quite clean.
I did the same thing for years. I wouldn't do any entertaining unless the house was spotless. The low point in my madness was my daughter 's wedding. It was perfect. Truly a masterpiece. It also dominated a full year of my life. I was too exhausted to enjoy the day.
So, you are so god like in your control of discourse that you can decide for someone else whether or not he or she can be surprised purely through intention? Seems ... Supernatural.
Boy, that does not surprise me.
The talent is our there. No question. But a generation of people believes its music should be free. You get what you won't pay for. Shitty fans get shitty music.
Exactly. I was born in the '60s, but mainly remember the '70s. My grandmother introduced us to them. I love the big pockets, the front snaps and the roominess. You can get them in thin, light cotton or heavy flannel.
It's a housecoat. You can still buy them, and I do.
The hands. Horrible.
The first season isn't all that good. Be patient. It is so worth it.
You and me both, sister.
Hhhmmm. If I were super rich, I'd do whatever I wanted. Frankly, I do now, and I'm not rich. Were Mr. FritoPie1 to lecture me on the evils of not sitting around, I'd tell him to stfu. I'm sitting around right now.
But of course!!! And scratching posts of a vast array of heights throughout the house.
I have a cattery dream: I win $100,000,000 and build a dream house. It has its own cattery, plush, gorgeous, with tons of car toy built-ins, with extensive catnip grounds. They have a huge staff. There are at least 25 rescue cats. I visit and play with them all day long.
In Ashville, every restaurant we went to has the health department score out of 100 prominently displayed. It's reassuring. Best city in America.