Gray Fox is me, Effektd Cosplay
Gray Fox is me, Effektd Cosplay
But, but actually. I just can’t understand all the “Christians” who seem to have never read a single thing Jesus ever said. They are quite literally the pharisees and they have absolutely no idea at all. Guys, Jesus didn’t hang out with the rich and powerful, he hung out with prostitutes, the sick, and those on the…
Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.
Jesus would be pretty pissed about the whole Christian public prayer thing that they usually do before every session, given that whole speech he gave specifically prohibiting it. I doubt he’d be very concerned about what one Wiccan did, and more concerned about how most of his followers are getting his message so…
All the fat slobs getting this worked up over some dragons and ferry bull shit TV show are so insufferable.
I don’t really think Jesus had a dress code. He infamously washed a whore’s feet. I am enjoying imagining the parishioners in the background going, “Thank you, Jesus!” at their departure, however.
I’ve never been to a church that cared what I wore. They just cared that you were into god/jesus or willing to give him a chance.
Who cares how they dressed for church. It’s not like you can offend a fictional character.
Isn’t the Kendall Jenner thing kind of slut shame-y?
Seriously, are you my grandmother? People can wear what they want to church.
Why is this the day I feel the need to defend Kardashians? I don’t even like these people! Anyway, she’s carrying a blazer. I doubt she was chilling in the pew with her navel saying hello during greetings. Throw that blazer on and she’s just a buttoned up and “appropriate” as can be.
I see nothing wrong with their clothe or supposed lack of them. That’s a weird judgment to make.
That was the only time I liked church. The church we went to couldnt give a damn what anyone wore. Crop tops and cut offs. Had a full orchestra from large drum kits down to harps. Artistic dancers. If there is a god I doubt he cares what clothes you are wearing.
Or maybe I’ve turned into an asshole
The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.
Whatever, Jezzies gonna come for me but.
"We're open to chat whenever you want to." She responded that she wasn't interested in meeting, and the men left.