
yelp vigilantism is the gayest fucking shit

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

the reason is because my sense of morality is different than yours. so get off your fucking high horse and eat at places that cater to your lifestyle choices.

And to add...

She did have a fascination for the weird stuff. She can include herself in her Wall of Weird. I do blame Clark though. He ignored her advances on him and instead went for her journalist cousin. So, she had to move on.

Yup. This whole site reinforces the bad stereotypes of blacks. #Neverwillcatchup

This will certainly lead to people in disadvantaged positions being taken more seriously.


Yeah. My thoughts are she is cosplaying as Gal as WW and not as WW. Much like there are cosplayers that cosplay as Heathe Ledger as the Joker. They focus on resembling as the actor/actress as well.

His fame brought money and women. And, he surrounded himself with people who doesn’t stop him. That’s why.

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

That strip is not believable at all. I have evidence. Woody loooooooves the new toys.

Yep, two dead. Liberals don’t believe that unborn children are worth mentioning.

If you want the fucking part, earn it!

I see that despite having his income, family, hell, even his freedom threatened, you still reeeeally want to apply some fault to him because of a few words he uttered after such an attack.

Now playing

Isn’t there some kind of legal harsh punishment for girls who do this sort of bullshit?

I wonder how many other men she has slapped with false rape reports. Clearly she is pretty liberal with playing that car as well as hurting herself and blaming men.

Nope, you can do math and think ahead. Unlike the typical Nintendo fanboy.

Doesn’t even look close to Archer

What the fuck is that? I love archer but that is fucking weird