
Brits don't know how to fight.

He's a good guy. I hate his content but he raises a lot for charities.

His content is insufferable though.

There's a boss on your first planet? :c I haven't gotten very far. Would you be open to some MP?

Killing the Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3

We just got a Fudrucker's built in town. So good.

Don't forget Tumblr. A LOT OF THIS IS FROM TUMBLR

Except for the part where she's not doing her own research and instead ripping gameplay videos from letsplayers on youtube. You should look up all the stuff uncovered about her, and how she doesn't even get into gaming at all. This is a money grab ploy.

Barry does significantly more than just record, and put up. He's posted pictures of his work space before, and whoever's playing has their own audio channel unless they do more than three people at a time. Regardless, they put out a combined total of 2 1/2 hours of content every week, and most of it is done weeks


I know Diablo isn't meant to have a gender. It's the ultimate evil, but I believe it took on characteristics from what'sername (I honestly forgot all characters from D3 besides Covetous Shen) the nephilim girl, there fore Diablo is a girl.

My friend doesn't think that makes

I'd allow the comments on any of my videos, mainly because I have a thicker skin then most. She was weeding out things that made her sound bad, and only left things that deemed her in a positive light.

Gamegrumps put out videos in a matter of weeks where as she takes months. Barry's pushing out multiple episodes a day. I hate to use them as an example, but no, it doesn't, especially when all those screen wipes are more than likely just pinned and repeatable by now.

They literally said, as well as Kojima, that Ground Zeroes is the build up, and Phantom Pain is the main story. Can you read?

Or you can look at Psychic's weakness from Bug, Dark, and Ghost as the three basic irrational fears that people have. The dark, ghosts, and bugs.

It's already sold out guys. They weren't up around 11:00, and then sometime at 11:30 they went up and already got sold out.

True! Just by statistics, either way, BromQueen is still super asinine.

>Implying that video games and fantasy are real and nothing else.

Everyone is different, and there's probably numerous women out there who can kick your ass.

Ash doesn't give up his pokemon. He keeps Pikachu as his starter so he can find new pokemon in the new region. There are multiple episodes where he checks in on his old pokemon, specifically Muk and Kingler.

Then sure, that's laundering, but really, it's just a nice, sizable discount from Steam, or some free games.

The majority of these videos are of MC on Xbox. Xbox is a toxic community to begin with. Had I kids, they wouldn't even be allowed on xbox live.