
True. Could be him folding oxygen into the water which causes it to fizz.

Chemical reaction is causing the Pepsi to fizz. Something on his body, maybe sweat? dunno.

Tharja for Super Smash Brothers 2014


It needs an action game like the fan game on the net. Tons of fans would eat it up, but there are games now which are just visual novels.

Yeah. Bay Area has it's own trends and stuff. It's weiiiiird. When I went to Oregon everything was so different.

Not in my neck of the woods.

Of course it does. Do you ever see ladies wearing fedoras? Maybe once and awhile.

No... No... usually people who wear fedoras are either old men, or white guys trying to look 'cool.'

It may not cut it for you, but that's what they chose. Nothing is ever going to be friendly for anyone. People have different views, and while you see over sexualized (which it totally is) I laugh at how outrageously huge the sorceress' boobs are, and why the amazon's ass is ridiculously bony.

They need to work on the guns. If that was a battle rifle perched against that barrier, it looked horrid.

Depends on what's going on in the game. Even then, the soul essence of beat-em ups is to go right, or to go left. Half the time you're looking for the next enemy on the screen or treasure. Regardless all of this is just art style. Have you seen how weird the warrior is? Look at his body style and tell me how that suit

I'm pretty sure in any beat em' up that I'm playing, I'm focusing on what to kill. The only time I've ever looked at my character is when I'm trying to locate he/her in the mess of bodies being knocked around on the screen. Castle Crashers was notorious for this because they didn't tell you where your character was

I'm confused... This is a game about the Chinese People's Liberation Army, why is one of the booth companions dressed in US Navy fatigues?

Like I said, it was extreme. And I know what Feminazi is used for usually that niche group, but I've seen it used against the ones that actually are, you know, sane.

Reminds me of Anita Sarkeesian using Skullgirls as "degrading" towards women as an example, she flashed it in the back of one of her videos. I could see

That's why I said that the comparison was rather large, still though, an insult is an insult.

I think the artist was! Ubisoft published the Scott Pilgrim game, but I'm not too sure off the top of my head. Give it a google.


Is there something wrong with feminism? I know it was a laaaaaaaaaaarge margin but the comparison still stands. I'm talking about legitimate feminism, not the feminism that wants to see the end of the stereotypical macho man-ish things we see today.