Wait till it goes free to play because it probably will. When I played it, it didn't look all too fantastic. Great voice acting but it's wasted on bad animation and art style.
Wait till it goes free to play because it probably will. When I played it, it didn't look all too fantastic. Great voice acting but it's wasted on bad animation and art style.
I don't know. I'm not big on racing/sports games unless they're over the top, so I played one race and considered it satisfactory.
My brother repurchased an xbox recently and it came bundled in. It's actually pretty comfortable playing Forza, but fixtures are always much better. But yes, it is quite comfortable.
There's different types of acting.
I could never really get in to the Resistance series. It was always sort of "just there" for me. My brother bought it one day, I played it, it was okay. There was nothing good or bad about it for me. It's like reading a book for school. It didn't seem like a chore, but I never really liked it or hated it.
I haven't been to Japan, but I've got a better beard than he.
Freedom of Speech is in the constitution, so yes, it is.
Adult Swim is... well it's explained in the article. It's the adult segment of Cartoon Network that airs from 10:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. Family Guy, American Dad, Robot Chicken, and Toonami are all on Adult Swim.
I kind of really want this, especially when it comes out, but you've fooled me once, Nintendo. I'm waiting for a price cut, or it becomes the proprietary 3DS.
I don't know how she's a slut. If she is, so is Chelle. ._.
Are you calling me a child? They don't tell you shit to do, and in an MMO that's as complex as TSW, they could at least give you a small tutorial in the wheel.
The graphics/customization left me really wanting more, that and the combat. And holy fuck was the skillwheel confusing as shit. I had two different types of AP I could distribute? @___________@
Was half expecting Muk to say Kum.
This game worked pretty fine for me at my friends house. o.o I don't know why my experience wasn't tainted.
Guys guys, it's funny that they found a sex toy and thought it was a mushroom, but what about the reporter?
I'd still hit it.
They do sell the wafers by themselves, but not what you think. It's the white oreo covered in a hard shell of birthday cake frosting. Tastes pretty good, and if one didn't know, they'd probably make good desert snacks.
Don't the Journey people have black feets?