LOLNOPE. The only animals in our store that I cna take out are the reptiles, and not all girls go for those. Rats aren't viable either. Hamsters will bite the shit out of me, and Guinea Pigs are much too needy.
LOLNOPE. The only animals in our store that I cna take out are the reptiles, and not all girls go for those. Rats aren't viable either. Hamsters will bite the shit out of me, and Guinea Pigs are much too needy.
For you it is. The beta completely turned me off from the game.
Meh. The story is okay, but it's your usual point and click. Some people find that fun! Me, not so much. That, and it looks like WoW, which I can't stand.
Ahyup. You can't log in to the server, you can't play the single player game.
It's just a game, but they payed for it, and they should be able to play it by themselves, off line, if they want to.
Nah. My mom has never gone that far. She works at a cat adoption at my PetCo that I work at, and she's always like "Did you see the new girl helping at adoptions?"
I don't mind the recoil animation so much as the fact that I'm just playing paintball with enemies and when I shoot them I splatter ketchup in their face. I want some realistic destruction, yo. But I understand that that's probably pretty intensive on some processors or something technical that would hold it back.
Story is great, but Max Payne 3 is going to offer him more fun at the moment because A) The server's for D3 are down, and B) I'm sure he'd rather control his character with a thumb stick and shoot with another button rather than clicky clicky clicky everywhere.
I'm 19 and single, mom thinks I like guys when I'm actually too lazy to get a girlfriend.
Right, at least these women are grown, not little girls.
At least it's not loli.
No mining. You can break leaves, grass, flowers, and mushrooms. You can craft. In various chests you'll find armors, ingots, apples, and other items. It's possible to craft a diamond sword.
Regardless, it was still pretty douchey. Undecided people deserve the choice to make a decision.
Thank you. o:
During the headstart there was a give away through subscribers. We got three codes for friends to play in pretty much another closed beta for three days. If there's anything else coming out, I'll let you know.
The bits I've gathered so far (I'm only playing because it's fun. The story is just an add on.) You're a recruit sent to the mysterious island of dawn. From what I gatehred the first party was scrambled/killed and you're looking for the general of this leader's brother. After proving yourself worthy you become a…
The only people who find this offensive are either uptight Christian parents, or who enjoy it are straight up loli fanatics. Perception is subjective, but if this makes a game off putting for you, Jesus Christ, you've got to be some crazy conservative or something.
Thank you. ._. They don't even populate the game that greatly, and when they do, they're usually swinging these giant swords that just bewilder you and either make you stare at them as they hack something down to their size, or laugh because it's so unworldly possible.
That's the korean version. They've changed the models in the US version.
Big hips and maybe a butt isn't really over sexualized. They're body shape is much too large to look like an underage girl. If anything their faces are hilarious.