
100% att went first. it never works in NY even without a tragedy!

i didnt receive one of my tax documents until april 7th. by the time it made it to my accountant and i signed off on everything it was april 13th, saturday...

No those were penguins.


How about a phone with Apps? Like an App Phone...

is this real life?

article selection is just horrible. no proofreading and bashing/jumping on bandwagons randomly is really enough. just show the whole thing down. CUNCEL DA GIZMODO

you're an idiot


so everyone who has an ipod touch has a cellphone?

i also question the validity of this question. especially considering roughly 1/8 of the worlds population is under the age of 10-12 and likely doesnt own a cell phone, even in developed countries. Meaning that if every 6 of 7 people has a cell phone and 1/7 (rough numbers) are below cell phone having age, that means

just blew my mind...

author should find a bridge and jump.

id be more interested in dying than watching the rest of that video

i could listen to this clip forever. in fact at work its been on loop for the past week...

utterly ridiculous

Now that's quality journalism...

shit sucks

wow upgrading my jb i5 totally screwed me up. thanks!

hard top or soft top?