
More embarrassing for Facebook I'd say...

I'm in full agreement. Gizmodo's coverage of this "news" as well as the general stories the past month or so have been particularly awful. I honestly don't know why I keep coming back.

I didn't punctuate my fucking sentence, jackass.

you spelled favorite wrong asshole

more quality reporting from the crew at gizmodo. #favoritethings

Oh is that the joke? You should write for Gizmodo, they are on a real roll this week!

gizmodo has been terribly awful of late. including these stupid stories. no one else is covering this BS simply because these people want attention and nothing more.

Confusing, tough to see what each one is, not in order, and definitely missing phones A. that I used to own and B. before 1999 (maybe, I can't tell because they aren't in order and could be hiding somewhere...). Altogether awful post and editing once again by the exciting crew at Gizmodo.

I'm really glad an important news site like "gizmodo" is reporting on this bs unlike most other legitimate sites. My recent scathing hatred of gizmodo is only growing.

Wow. You should be banned from life.


grandfathered into unlimited data. cant use tethering. att sucks anyway so i went ipad mini on verizon instead of like my att iphone that never works. bam.


i dont understand why this article would be published, except to invite a flame war in the comments and to stand against the USA and Israel. ARGOFUCKYOURSELF


I having been reading Gizmodo since 2002. The posts the last month have been awful. I will be leaving shortly, never to return. #badjournalism

my penis, but i play with it all the time so its totally worth it.


how many ipad mini bashing articles can gizmodo put up. almost everyone else can come to terms iwth the screen and writes great reviews. gizmodo gets hung up, possibly because they are no longer on good terms with apple due to the iphone 4 fiasco? i dont know. BUT SHUT UP.

im pretty sure the touch sensitivity on my iphone 5 is not as good as my 4s. my typing is significantly worse on the i5