yes its down for me in nj on att i5. but its not a big deal, they just go through as texts. when i had a bb a while back, if bbm went down the message just sat, it didnt go through as a text. big difference to a small problem.
yes its down for me in nj on att i5. but its not a big deal, they just go through as texts. when i had a bb a while back, if bbm went down the message just sat, it didnt go through as a text. big difference to a small problem.
Yes, the iPad mini is priced higher than it's competitors, however I really don't think Apple's advantage (or disadvantage, if you will) is in the specs. That is what the tech blogs don't understand. It's in the full user experience. Using iOS and especially on iPads is a cut above everything else. I'm very happy with…
i think youre right. i want to know if att mobile share ipad addon requires a contract?
PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. (even then, not sure)
i see that they are publically speaking of fraud and admitting to it, but it doesnt seem like English...
what are you talking about?
my kindle fire fits in the back pocket of all my jeans. if the ipad is the same (and i hope it is) ill sell the fire and my old ipad and get one of these minis. the ipad is just too big/heavy. the fire doesnt have enough. and my 1st gen ipad is slow and doesnt have 4g. time to step up.
the ipod touch should renamed ipad nano
yes, if there was a windows (desktop) and android app as well..
i was about to flip out that this was a blatant double post and that gizmodo posted this yesterday. then i realized i on LH...
where does one find "gizmodo message boards"?
+ fuckin 1
orioles in the world series? was this article written 2 weeks ago simultaneously in a dream land a week from now?
i really thought after the iphone got off the att exclusive, the days of exclusives are over. i find them to be awful and end up hurting the consumer in the long term.
Cancelled by Yosi
i dont think the nook has 3g. i might be wrong...
i wasnt going into so much detail. just that our spending and percentage of gdp is significantly more. the fact that we are less efficient is really another matter.