Smove With the Roughness

I miss the days of the ban hammer.

Yep here is the full agreement:

Although the Heartland cafe in Rogers Park was pretty good for breakfast

I would actually NEVER want to meet this person.

I feel like Lindsey is perpetually inebriated. He slurs. He has that cottony tongue of a drunk and he looks glassy eyed.

Good for him but I wouldn’t. This Ng has no sense of history with exclusion laws of 1882 and frankly in China in the Concessions with the exclusion of Chinese the guy could go fuck himself.

Get this dick’s name because otherwise he’ll be enriched from this

Jaywalking tickets here are real. I don’t do because I don’t want to pulled over by some chucklehead on a bicycle and given a jaywalking ticket. Frisking someone over that shit and then saying they are detained is ridiculous and they still didn’t give him a ticket for such a “serious” pedestrian offense.  “Don’t

When I lived in England I actually saw Ben Kingsley play Othello and he was great, so aside from age, it may not have been a stretch for him.

Now playing

The lede is being buried here because the real fuckery was the black cop who basically dismissed this man and his concerns. First she copsplains what harassment is and then doesn’t take him seriously saying the woman has mental health issues. GTFOH

Ah Santa Clarita, the carbuncle on the asshole of suburban Los Angeles, not to be confused with the carbuncle on the taint of suburban Los Angeles which is reserved for Lancaster.

AAAhhh, get out of my head. I wrote burnsauce is Chipotle and a little Cayenne before I read your comment.  Ha!

Burnsauce has a little Chipotle and Cayenne pepper, sooooo definitely not for non melanin.

I also think we need to reclaim the term conservative. I grew up in a conservative home...a Black conservative home. I’d imagine many people here on the Root did too. My parents grew up in the Jim Crow South and never have I hear them utter the bullshit that these neo Black conservatives peddle.  

To me this is why you don’t f@ck with someone that doesn’t have as much to lose as you do. I appreciate that Will and Jada were separated. I don’t appreciate the kiss and tell from August. I would feel the same if it was me as a non celebrity. If some MF that I had dealt with in the past started talking about what we

The two wave their guns around (often pointing them at each other with all the subconscious familial loathing of a proper WASP couple)...the only missing was the requisite Gin Gimlet and Rusty Nail.

I love that the pickle bucket can be soothing during a time of stress...the line is a monster.

I love all of these artists.  I play Davido’s Fall all of the time.  Hopefully they covered StarBoy, Drogba, Koffee and Yemi Alade.

Emily how do you have the time for Instagram AND here at Jez?

It’s already biblical. They are in the food pantry lines waiting and wondering, how did I get here..I’m not this person. Well, you actually are that person. I have coworkers in FL who are having a hell of a time to register for unemployment. Now they are complaining about the state system and leaders that they voted